Nuggett Now I am a little paranoid. You must have given out some personal things that would identify you. Not sure if it true but that six screens call mentioned spying on JWs through trojans. Guess I am not ready to tear my family apart. Just curious please let me know what you think. stuck
Nugget and Cantleave are no longer Jehovah's Witnesses
by cantleave 148 Replies latest members private
Can't Leave and Nugget, the most important liberty is freedom to be yourselves, and you've got that now.
I'm Stuck In, don't worry about being outed. Can't Leave paired his screen name with his real name, and that's how the on line spy identified him.
stuck in, six screens is pretty radical. I don't think the watchtower is spying on me through the fillings in my teeth....take what they say with a grain of salt. Again, it was outed through facebook. Their screen names were discovered through some posting with other x jw's on facebook. the person then went here and looked up can'tleave and nugget and printed off their posts. Just don't give off too much personal information that is too specific to your situation. Change the details, the locations, etc just enough to deny deny deny!
Good advice GJ - also create a single-purpose-use unique user name for JWN-use (and other ex-JW websites) only!
im stuck in you have a Private Message. Click on the little envelope on the top right of the screen near your username.
Nugget and Cantleave - sending you warm hugs and lots of love. Its awful that you have to go through this cruel...even if you dont want to be a JW its an attack on your person and a humiliation. I'm glad you have each other and your immediate family intact and it's good that your dad is on your side too Nugget. If ever you need to chat or whatever please feel free to pm me for my number since we're fairly close by.
When it happened to me they made me think my God would leave me but I assure he never has .... Well done for the way you handled the elders with such dignity and intelligence. Aren't we so fortunate to have the support from the lovely people on this forum ?
Keep your chins up, walk tall and enjoy your freedom guys.
Loz x
You are probably reading this site to find more evidence for your JC. In order for you to do that you had to 1)violate your conscience and enter into an apostate website, 2)create a user name and enter a community of apostates. 3)lie and pretend you are someone else.
Although you might think that you are doing that for your God, you had to go through all that trouble just to attempt to keep a congregation "clean" of two people who dont even attend the congregation. You dont need to pray before the meeting, there is no need. I already spoke to your God and he says that it doesnt matter what he says, the 3 of you have already reached a decision, so you deliberate or save yourselves 60 minutes of your time.
You are gonna disfellowship 2 people who dont believe on any of your myths and practices. By taking that decision you will cause harm to many others. It is unavoidable. I am not requesting you to change your mind. You cant do that. You dont have that option. You are part of a machine and you dont have control over it. even your own thoughts are not yours, they are someone elses and you are just following them. And believe me, they are not God's
So think about it. Keep reading, most people here started just like you, coming to this website just to gather evidence. I did. I was fearful when i came here the first time. And now i am happy i did. Perhaps in 10 years once all the information you have read here sinks in, you will come back to this website and will look for more "food" realizing you wasted 10 more years of your life living a lie. i wasted 39.
The ex-brothers and ex-sisters happily send you their love, to your congregation.
byw: did you know that your jc pantomime has nor biblical support? ask yourselves how did all started.
You are probably reading this site to find more evidence for your JC. In order for you to do that you had to 1)violate your conscience and enter into an apostate website, 2)create a user name and enter a community of apostates. 3)lie and pretend you are someone else.
Although you might think that you are doing that for your God, you had to go through all that trouble just to attempt to keep a congregation "clean" of two people who dont even attend the congregation. You dont need to pray before the meeting, there is no need. I already spoke to your God and he says that it doesnt matter what he says, the 3 of you have already reached a decision, so you deliberate or save yourselves 60 minutes of your time.
You are gonna disfellowship 2 people who dont believe on any of your myths and practices. By taking that decision you will cause harm to many others. It is unavoidable. I am not requesting you to change your mind. You cant do that. You dont have that option. You are part of a machine and you dont have control over it. even your own thoughts are not yours, they are someone elses and you are just following them. And believe me, they are not God's
So think about it. Keep reading, most people here started just like you, coming to this website just to gather evidence. I did. I was fearful when i came here the first time. And now i am happy i did. Perhaps in 10 years once all the information you have read here sinks in, you will come back to this website and will look for more "food" realizing you wasted 10 more years of your life living a lie. i wasted 39.
The ex-brothers and ex-sisters happily send you their love, to your congregation.
byw: did you know that your jc pantomime has nor biblical support? ask yourselves how did all started.
@cyberjesus: Your post was awesome! wish we could vote them up :) (and I really hope they read it!)