Has Feminism Screwed with the current Generation ?

by caliber 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    And no, a single parent family is no substitute for one with two parents.

    This needs to be said and seen more often.

    Now please some sweet lady bring these two thoughts together for me to understand..it seems like a catch 22 situation !

    It puts me in mind a joke my dad told me..... You're in a air raid shelter WW2 , the lights on cut .... suddenly a women says in the darkness "get your

    hand out of there right now ! "" then she says "NO NOT YOU ! You have to be the right man at the right time but if your the man wrong ..it's not right !

    Well, I'm not a sweet little lady, more like a gruff, temperamental, cynical prick, but I can rationalize it. I think there's somebody for everyone out there, but if your timing is flawed, well there's always another day, another woman.

    What I meant earlier about the EMO thing is, I don't believe feminism in women is the problem. I do see a problem with the feminization of men. Masculinity has diminished in recent years, and I personally see it as a problem. It's like in society's attempt to swing the pendulem away from treating women bad, it swung too far, to the point of demasculinizing young men. Even urbanized young black men who used to put the fear in white suburbanits aren't immune. They're running around in tight jeans and fluorescent sweatshirts with Bugs Bunny on their chest. It's sad.

  • BurnTheShips
    I do see a problem with the feminization of men. Masculinity has diminished in recent years, and I personally see it as a problem. It's like in society's attempt to swing the pendulem away from treating women bad, it swung too far, to the point of demasculinizing young men.


  • caliber
    If you are a man and all you want to do is play the field and get some nookie, the feminism/sexual revolution has created a happy hunting ground. The "old way" kept men under control. Women relinquished that control. Sex is as free as air, these days.For a single guy that isn't a LOSER, the sexual market is a big win

    The trickery part is to figure out who still in the hunting game, and who's into the marrying game then , is it not ?

    I Think this guy is talking about seeking a permanent relationship

  • caliber

    It's like in society's attempt to swing the pendulem away from treating women bad, it swung too far, to the point of demasculinizing young men

    And you're saying feminism had nothing whatsoever to do with this swing ?

    quote from video ... says feminism inadvertently ruined the structure for dating and family life

    You can hurt people without willful intent .. can you not ?

    With "friendly fire" the bullets are just as deadly !!

  • journey-on

    I don't think it's feminism per se. I think it's the whole social structure that has evolved (or devolved).

    I think those of this generation crave DRAMA like the craving for drugs. They are so tied to and permanently plugged into all the social media avenues, it's ridiculous. Reality TV, celebrity news, social networking, dating websites, etc. They go through sexual trists, short term relationships, friends with benefits, (you name it) and then they share all this drama with EVERYBODY (or just Friends, or just Friends of Friends...lol).

    It's like watching a Keystone Cops silent movie where everybody is bumping into each other and wrecking everything. The rules are constantly changing and it becomes impossible to figure out what is going to happen next.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis
    With all that being said, he IS correct that young men now have it harder. They can't skate by on the social collateral provided them by the asymmetrical power systems of the past.

    I think that's bullshit. My brother is the same age as this guy, and he has no trouble either. He is in a steady relationship with a nice lady with a poli-sci degree that is working on a law degree now. He was having trouble a few years ago, because he was a whiny bitch. I got him out of my parent's house, got him a job, and now he has confidence. I told him "get out of namby pamby land, you jackwagon."

    If you are a LOSER, no decent woman is going to want to have anything to do with you. This is how it has always been. [NO, that is NOT how is has always been.]

    Actually, the example of your brother supports my assertion. Your brother was unable to get a "decent" woman until he performed the self-analysis and work necessary to make him worthy of her time/efforts, because, thanks to feminism, she no longer needs to be married to eat.

    Under the former power structures, there were a LOT of decent women that ended up having to marry a "loser" because their choices were marry what they could get or live at home as an old maid.

  • caliber

    It's like watching a Keystone Cops silent movie where everybody is bumping into each other and wrecking everything. The rules are constantly changing and it becomes impossible to figure out what is going to happen next

    Wouldn't this agree with the opening video .. he stated the the structure for dating and courtship are gone ?

  • DagothUr

    There will always be males that get rejected all the time (like this guy) and males that get accepted all the time (like me). The biochemical eye looks more to the size of your wallet these days. Natural selection. The most dominant and succesful male is the one with the pile of cash.

  • palmtree67

    The most dominant and succesful male is the one with the pile of cash.

    That's about as true as saying "The most dominant and successful female is the one with the biggest boobs."

    I think we've progressed, at least a little, past that......

  • miseryloveselders

    And you're saying feminism had nothing whatsoever to do with this swing ?

    quote from video ... says feminism inadvertently ruined the structure for dating and family life

    You can hurt people without willful intent .. can you not ?

    With "friendly fire" the bullets are just as deadly !!

    I've never really sat down and given it extreme thought, but on the surface I don't think excessive blame should be laid at the feet of feminism. I'm under the impression that as this country moved beyond the industrial age, something changed about the definition or perception of what a man is supposed to be. This all happened with some good and some bad. Amongst the bad, I'd say the feminization of men. I don't believe there's a true definition as to what exactly is a real man. I would never think any guy is less of man than the next guy because of his income, employment,or schooling. However certain aspects of masculinity that were embraced and encouraged in times past have been lost as we move beyond a traditional blue collar society and into a more white collar and service based society. I mean, can you imagine the term, "meterosexual", during the 1800s, or even the mid to late 1900s?

    I'll tell you something from my perspective as a black male, and I say that not to necessarily get into race, but just to make a point. Traditionally black males go to barber shops for haircuts. Me personally I cut my own, since I usually keep my hair completely bald, or a light fade and it saves me some dough. Why pay a barber $15 to shave my head, when I can do it for free? However, what I've noticed in recent years is the decline and I fear the extinction of the white barber as younger white males are going to salons. I find that to be repugnant. The barber shop is a staple of masculinity in my opinion. Its the one place that I know I can socialize around other men and discuss matters of concern to us as men. My father actually went to a salon one time to get a haircut because his barber shop was closed and he just happened to walk by a major chain salon. Some woman cut his hair, and I told him that as a result his "Man Card" is going to get revoked. I said that playfully, but you know he's never been back to that salon since, and has absolutely no intention of ever going again? To me thats the way its supposed to be.

    Now thats just one side of the demasculinization that I cringe watching. There's others that disgust me, such as men getting manicures, tight jeans, tanning salons, amongst other things. Even though I stated I would never view a man as less than a man for his employment, I do feel that as a society the more we import blue collar manufacturing jobs overseas, we're going to pay in the long run because of a lack of skilled blue collar workers home grown. There will always be a need for men who are skilled in trades, and industries that need skilled machinists, or tool and die makers, are bleeding because young men aren't gravitating towards those jobs anymore. Its going to come back and bite us in the booty, if it hasn't already considering all the men that are out of work because the jobs that used to be available to them are in Taiwan. As a society at least in this country, we've been thumbing our nose at blue collar workers for far too long. Not everybody is capable of finding a desk job, just like not all desk job workers are built for blue collar work. I don't if the economy is picking up or not, but there's an awful lot of masculine guys out there who are out of work, and have families to provide for.

    Now, thats the economic impact we're talking about, what about the domestic impact? We're raising entire generations of young men who lack a DIY attitude when it comes to things in their home or their automobile, myself included as I get lazy periodically and just say f#$# it, I'll pay somebody else. If that attitude continues though, I can see the day when basic tools like a hammer, or a table saw become relics in our father's and grandfather's garage. Like, what's that slender rectangular object with a glass vial in the middle with a bubble that moves up and down every time I turn it?

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