Why be an extreme anything ???
There is nothing extreme about feminism.
by caliber 60 Replies latest jw friends
Why be an extreme anything ???
There is nothing extreme about feminism.
I am a feminist in that I feel as equal to any man of my same social standing. Just b/c he has a penis does not make him more valuable than me. I do not hate men, in fact men have always been my best friends. I think men who grow up viewing women as their equals don't have the issues that the young man in the video does. I was not put here on earth to be anyone's slave. I am his partner, equal partner. Some men do not like this so they have chosen to marry women from other cultures where the women in general are more submissive. I say they don't want a partner, they want a slave who will wait on them and put up with any kind of shite they dish out. Well, I went to college and after that got a job. I raised my kids with very little help from their father. He worked, the rest was my job. After I finished college and got a job the meals and housework became an equal opprotunity joy. My husband could not adjust. He is approx my age, and just could not adjust to this idea. It has been an issue in our marriage since. He just does not "get it". I guess he never will. I have to deal with someone who thinks his opinions are more important than mine just b/c he has a penis. We have struggled with this since the day I realized I was not a slave. It is something that has come between us, but I am happy to say that he has made some minor adjustments in that he now picks up his own clothes and does some cleaning. The bathroom toliet is still beneath him. I let him out of this b/c I don't like changing tires, so I quess we are even. Some older men are hard to deal with b/c they were raised with a mindset that I am their slave. It has taken 25 years to get my penis person to pick up his own clothes . I raised my sons differently. They know how to do laundry and clean the toliet. They can and have changed diapers. They don't think taking care of their own children is "babysitting" . I am proud of them and their wives thank me.
I was not put here on earth to be anyone's slave.
hmph...yeah, whatever.
The bathroom toliet is still beneath him. I let him out of this b/c I don't like changing tires, so I quess we are even.
That argument always irks me a little bit. The toilets need to be cleaned a hell of a lot more often than tires need to be changed.
But I liked your post, Violia.
I was not put here on earth to be anyone's slave.
I agree. Neither was I. That's why I'm divorced now.
The guy is a dinosaur, anachronistic and out of touch, poor guy.
No fault divorce ruins the family structure; where is the evidence for this assertion? No fault divorces were created to remove the corrosive attribution of blame when relationships break down beyond repair, to me this is a grown up approach. We in The UK do not have this, sadly.
What was the point about the enfranchisement of men then women? How does this affect marriage and cause its breakdown? again where is the evidence? For a society to be free all must be given the vote, look to the Middle East where women are largely disenfranchised for examples of dysfunctional societies.
Then he goes on to rant about absent fathers, duh, the fathers are often absent because they choose to be allot of the time, often paying little if anything toward the upkeep of thier children.
I am the father of of a 17 year old daughter and she knows my views, women should be able earn their own living firstly; for thier own self esteem, and secondly, so that when they enter relationships they enter on equal terms. Should the relationship then fail, they will find it easier to exit. I know many women who remain in relationships because they are financially dependant on the man., that is toxic and destructive for all concerned.
This guy has little to say of merit imo and is an example of a mindset that hopefully will become less an less in evidence.
He is redolent of the JW mindset.
About the only real issue anymore is awkward social situations.
True story: A female friend has a dead battery, so I run her up to the auto parts store to get a replacement/exchange. We go in with her carrying her own dead battery. She doesn't need a man to do it for her. But I get dirty looks from everybody in the whole place - male and female alike. They think I'm this lazy ass who's making my "wife" carry the car battery.
I am a rabid feminist in large part due to the Witnesses. Everyone fell over my younger brother b/c he had a penis. It is anatomy, not a invitation to oppress. Strong men need not worry. Women will chronically complain that there are no men or all men are lazy, faithless, you name it. Primarily, we are individuals. We lived in a broad country with diverse interests. Through the Internet, you can find your particular group, A former Catholic nun I know finds men who are into Catholic societies and want to be virgins. She doesn't have to wait months to find someone. Local communities used to introduce people.
I move in and out of different communities b/c of sad circumstances. There are ways to meet a traditional female, a female willing to assume male roles.
Voting is not representation per family unit. Within nuclear families, grandfather, fathers and sons vote. Perhaps the U.S. Senate enshrines that idea bit more with the 2 Senator per state rule but the people's house is based on population.
Feminism prob. has little to do with what he is facing.
Women have choices. There are still women with low self-esteem who will settle. I'd rather someone want me for my temperament, personality and character rather than my cooking and floor-scrubbing skills. I can vomit along these lines remembering my oh so pampered, abusive, childsih father. Honestly, I think a certain type of man is drawn to the Witnesses. Unmanly comes to mind.
Real men like feminism. Real men love women, not maids.
Well, as Palm tree said, cleaning the toliet and changing tires, putting on a roof, doing major car repairs are not the same thing. The later don't happen on a daily basis and often the guys hire someone to do that anyhow. However my guy is better at keeping up the car than I am, mostly b/c he has been there to do it. If I was forced to do it, I would learn how.
" The husband had just finished reading " I am the man of the house". He stormed into the kitchen and walked directly up to his wife , pointing a finger DIRECTLY at her, he said " from now on, I want you to know I am the man of the house, and my word is law. I want you to prepare me a gourment meal tonight , and when I'm finished eating my meal, I expect a sumptuos dessert afterward. Then after dinner, you are going to draw me a bath so I can relax. And when I'm fiished with my bath, quess who's going to dress me and comb my hair!!!!?
His wife replied" the f***ing funeral directory would be my quess!". "
lol just found this, don't know who wrote it
Joan Rivers also said no man ever wanted to ravish a woman b/c her kitchen floor was so clean ( or words to that affect) I recall seeing a Eveyone loves Raymond eposide and he was helping clean the house. His wife was watching and she came up to him and said" I have never been more turned on than right now" I understand how she feels.