What's the latest on "The Danni X-Files&qu...

by Bendrr 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • RedhorseWoman

    Dave, honey, you deserve all the shit in the world....and I mean that sincerely.

    Oops, just realized that after everything that has been going on with you, I'd better clarify this so that you know I'm only joking. But, really..... aw, hell.....*****HUGS****

    BTW, I learned something interesting the other day. A twit is a pregnant goldfish. Kind of gives a whole new meaning to the insult, doesn't it? LOL

  • seven006


    I guess it just goes to show that if you stick your neck out you are might have a few people try and cut it off. I have kept my neck in a shell for too long, this was a good first lesson in the war against the JW religion. I have always watched from the side lines and didn't care to do anything. This hasn't scared me away but instead made me want to be more active in this issue. For the first time I am pissed off enough to do some damage to those lying assholes.

    I don't think you have a lot to worry about in regard to cyber hacking. If someone wants to invade your privacy enough they will find a way to do it. As long as anyone is hooked up to the Internet they are never completely safe from having their private emails messed with. If you give in they win! The interent is in still in it's infancy in regard to it's place in history. Things like this will happen. Once it gets a little further down the road sick people like this will be handed their ass on a plate. I can't wait until that happens.

    Take care,



    Iv never been much into payback, I always figured that people who do things like this have a hard enough time just being themselves and living with their craziness. I'm going to let the proper authorities deal with this for right now. If nothing happens, I may change my mind and send a nice little cookie to those involved that will turn their monitor black while I upload a nice two gig graphic file to their computer. It's illegal to send a virus but I haven't seen a law that prevents me from jamming their email up for a while with a 1200 pixel per inch ten foot by ten foot jpeg file. I guess it all depends on if I am still pissed off enough once I find out who this person is. If I do, you will be one of the first people I get in contact with to join in the fun.

    Take care,



    Hey Dave,Danni(who couldn`t anwer the cop questions)thought you found her out because you were talking to the other Danni.She speaks about the other Danni as though she were seperate from her.She claims the second Danni is hurting them.The real Danni may have to keep her ass below the radar right now.I`m not sure that this is the end...OUTLAW

  • Kaethra


    I know that you don't have an inflated ego. And I feel for everyone here who had an emotional investment in this thing, as is wont to happen for pretty much every xjw with a heart. I admire you greatly for everything that you have done behind the scenes on this, for having your heart in the right place, for giving your trust to ones who need it, and for your moral fortitude in coming forward to admit that you have been duped....or, at least it certainly seems so. I would never take a jab at you (at least not over this ;) ). The person who perpetrated this deception is a vile, small creature...pitiful really. Vile, small creatures such as this rarely recognize their condition unfortunately.

    I am glad that you feel that this experience has brought some good along with it. Most experiences in life do, especially the most painful ones.

    Hugs to you, ya big sexy heathen man,


  • seven006


    You may be right. I just had to go with what I could put together right now. The posters on this board deserved an answer and this is all I have at this point. If there is a real Danni, maybe this will get her to come out of her silence and let us know. For now, it looks like all the players are one person playing several parts, and that person is Kylishhlee. She knew too much about emails I had sent Danni. She is either Danni or she fooled Danni into believing her bullshit. I have to go with Alan at this point and believe that this is all one person and that person has been traced to Kylishhlee.

    If I am wrong, then what the hell, Im getting damn good at being wrong at least I'm consistent. I appreciate the hell out of your support in this issue. You have been kind to me through out the whole thing. I still hope that Danni is real but if not, I hope to hell I fond out who this person is. I just couldn't keep people in the dark anymore. That's not my job and they don't deserve it.

    Thanks man,


  • seven006

    <<<Hugs to you, ya big sexy heathen man,>>>

    Wow, I guess there is more benefits than I thought. I haven't been called a sexy heathen man in days.... weeks......months...........yea....rs...........oh shit, I think I just realized one of my problems!

    No wonder I got so screwed up!


    Alan get my damn picture off your log in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • teejay


    What an odd post... and a purloined Dave pic to boot! Whatever made you say/do such a thing? I know Dave is your friend and you feel the need to stand by him now, but why attack *me*? My comments have been justifiable all along.

  • seven006


    I don't think Alan read your comments in the same light that I did. They were a bit cryptic. When someone says they are laughing in a text, it is hard to tell if they are laughing at you, or with you.

    Just a thought.


  • Mindchild

    Hey Dave,

    Maybe you will find this link useful:


    You can download a free trial version of this academic cheating program on your computer. It allows you to compare 5 different documents of nearly any length and does an identification analysis by word use and word frequency. I checked it out myself on some documents I wrote and others and it showed clear as day that they were different authors.

    What I suggest then is that you cut and paste the text of one alias and then compare that with all the other suspects to see what you come up with. You want the free version of the program WordCHECK DP.

    If I can be of further assitance, let me know.

    Kind Regards,


  • teejay


    I'll be blunt.

    People bullshit on this board and I'm not talking about just the unknowns that mosey in from time to time and go on their way. This very Danni episode is representative of that fact. I don't bullshit—not here or in real life.

    Weeks ago I told you that I had not followed the Danni thing from the onset of her arrival. Remember? You told me to go back and read all of her posts and I'd "understand." I had zero interest in doing that and I didn't do that. My interest was piqued only when she went to the Hall and posted her account, denigrating elders (albeit men unknown to me). I happened to be off work for those days and was able to follow the shit as it hit the fan here on the forum. There was a lot about her story and the ready acceptance of it (from some of the folks here) that didn't rest easy with me. I didn't like it, frankly... simple as that.

    I emailed you as you seemed to have the inside scoop and I wanted to cut through the nonsense. It was no big deal that it was you that was closest to the heart of the story. As far as I was concerned, it could have been Little Bo Peep.... I couldn't care less. I wanted the truth, that's all.

    Alan, with his dumbass self, comes along and says I'm a hypocrite. Whatever.

    I want you to know that I've been straight up with you. Email me if you want. Call me if you want. Furnish me a phone number and I'll call you. Point is, I'm here and ain't going nowhere. When I said earlier that it was funny, I wasn't laughing at you. Believe me.

    The funny part... it's a long story, but it goes to what it takes to be a Witness... and some of those very qualities (good and bad) are in full display among ex-JWs.

    THAT is what's so funny. Sad. But funny.

    I meant you no harm. None. No one has gained anything of value from this whole affair. If I'm laughing, it's only thru tears.


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