Very good post.
You asked how could this Danni experience benefit us, pointing out that situations like this one is likely to happen again. You liken it to a drill that we failed, considering how creative Danni was and how well she executed her plan.
Well, this type of ruse has already happened. Some here will be able to tell you of a supposed governing body member who started posting on the old h2o just before it closed. Many were pumped up about *that* imposter also. Many seemed to buy the ruse. Turns out, it was a fake, too.
That's why for me this Danni issue points more to us and the residual problem that exits within US than to a supposedly "sick" perpetrator who cleverly plays on people's emotions. Some of us want to latch onto any negativity aimed at the Society whether it's true or not and run with it.
Danni had no power—none whatsoever—over those who were skeptical from the beginning or kept an open mind that allowed them to see, if not outright holes in her story, good reasons to disbelieve her story. That's the key. We were being led down a dead end street and no one knew it at the time, but there were signs along the way that should have clued more people in had we not allowed the emotional angle to take over but used our heads more.
If we haven't learned this simple rule of life in the aftermath of this Danni episode we are just "marks" waiting for the next imposter to do it to us again. It's just that simple, really.
Which person would you say is the sickest: the person selling the Brooklyn Bridge... or the person buying it?
"Trust everybody in the game, but always cut the cards." -- Cowboy wisdom.