If Armageddon came tomorrow, would Jehovah kill a billion children?

by just n from bethel 168 Replies latest jw friends

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    I just looked up some population statistics. I saw there are over a billion children under the age of 10 on the earth today. (Didn't research too hard - just googled it. Please correct me if better data is available).

    In another post, a recent JW apologetic poster, made the claim that the number of people who would survive God's impending day of judgement, would only total a few million, at best.

    I know this is a touchy subject that JWs love to avoid - because they'd rather not admit their loving God would do that. But that is their teaching - so kudos to DJeggnog for confirming it for all lurkers to see.

    A billion children under the age of 10. They're going to all die because 1) they were born in the wrong part of the world and the JWs never got around to giving a tract to their parents, many of whom couldn't read anyway.... or 2) their parents were lucky enough to get that tract about false religion being destroyed, but the parents mistakenly thought JWs were false because of their pedophile cover ups ... or 3) [name your reason why their parents are not a JW]

  • NewChapter

    Yes. They died in the flood. The Bible Story book for children illustrates a mother holding a crying baby before they are drowned. They died in Sodom and Gomorrha. God killed David's newly born son. Firstborns died in Egypt, (though they may not have all been children) When Israel exterminated the canaanites, that included children. Children are fair game in the bible. So, they are fair game to jw teachings.

    Of course, ask a JW to reconcile this with the idea that sons don't pay for the sins of fathers.

    Now, we can find our greatest comfort in knowing that Armegeddon has not been planned.

  • Joliette

    Yes, this teaching really put fear in me as a child.

    'If I masterbate, dont go out in field service, dont get baptized, I'm gonna get destroyed!'


    And dont even get me started on that crazy revelations book.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Plenty of baby and child killing in the OT to be had. Im reading through the OT now and it has been eye opening to say the least.

    Many many cities and towns where EVERY BREATHING thing right down to the animals were slaughtered, ....or how about when Saul becomes king and then God (apparently) tells him to take vengence on the Amalekites for when they didnt allow the Israelites to pass thru their land when they left Egypt! Yes thats right 400 years AFTER the event in question God orders vengence and every man woman, child, suckling and animal to be slaughtered... That really pissed me off I can tell you.

    Yet we read before and after this that God doesnt punish children for the sins of their fathers! WTF!

    How the fuck am I supposed to love this God?

    So that leaves us where? God exists and will slaughter billions including babies given his track record? Or it's all bullshit? Or somewhere in the middle of the two? I dont have the answer, but im not likeing the God of the OT at all.

  • LostGeneration

    This is one of the big arguments that really led me out the door. Supposedly, Jehovah has been waiting oh so long because he is a patient God, and wants so many to survive. The big problem with this WT lie is exposed when you look at stats like this



    Just since 1/1/11 the population of the earth has increased by 9 million. JWs claim 800 get baptised a day, so that is about 40,0000 so far this year. So if you follow the numbers to their logical conclusion, Jehovah must destroy 8,960,000 more humans than he would have back on Jan 1st.

  • Joliette

    Yes, LG, that makes a lot of sense. I dont get the logic of that either. I do believe there is a God, but I dont believe that God is going to kill a lot of people just to make some type of point. Its not logical and it doesnt make sense.

    And dont get me started on the whole satan vs Jesus showdown...lol. Make me think of an old Clint Eastwood movie.

  • tec

    I left (or at least changed my mind about getting baptized) over this issue too.

    I thought I couldn't be a part of what God was going to do, even if that meant I would get killed at Armageddon.

    Thinking that I was somehow more moral and merciful than God... that was arrogant and prideful of me, though I didn't recognize that until a short while ago. I am NOT better than God or more merciful than God... as shown to us by his Son.

    If I had known Him better, for me by knowing Christ, then I would have simply left because I would have known that this was a wrong teaching. Not the truth.


  • PublishingCult

    "A billion children under the age of 10. They're going to all die because 1) they were born in the wrong part of the world and the JWs never got around to giving a tract to their parents, many of whom couldn't read anyway . . . "

    Yes, that is correct, Justin from Bethel. The governing body will play a vital role in the destruction of said babies by personally kicking them into the street toward oncoming traffic.

  • DagothUr

    There will be no godly Armaggeddon. Man-made, maybe. And if that comes, no JW is safer than any other man.

  • designs


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