I mean, if you don't believe in a literal six day creation... but that that story was a simple way of explaining the depth of creation/progression/evolution... then perhaps some of these others stories are as in depth as that, yet relayed in simpler terms.
But isn't that a slippery slope? When you say, "Well the Bible DID say that, but I don't think it REALLY means what it says. Yeah it says that the Stars were created AFTER light, but it really doesn't mean that."
"The Bible says that all flesh was destroyed by God during the flood...but it doesn't mean ALL flesh. It just means the men in the local area."
Can you see how slippery that is? You then have cause to put your own interpretation on to any story in the Bible that you want. Kaballah does much of that. They take the Torah and apply a mystic symbolism to every part of it so that NONE of it means what it actually says.