Toxic Relationships

by serenitynow! 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!
    You define how you want to be treated and when you wish or don't wish to engage them. Funny thing about phones, texting, email....ect...we can control when we want to use them or not.

    I agree. I already screen her calls. I told her that too. I told her that when I see her on the caller ID, I heave a heavy sigh, and ask myself if I can deal with this today. I don't want to just cut all ties to her. I don't think that she is a bad person underneath all that sickness and dysfunction.

    JW's are in fact doing the same thing in their minds..Shunning =eliminating toxic people (non JW's) from their lives.. throw them away so to speak..

    I don't agree that this is the same type of situation. JWs shun because they are told to and because the d/f'd person is perceived as a threat to the spirituality of the congo. I feel it is totally within my rights to put some limits on her behavior because our relationship as it is now is actually harmful to me. There wasn't anything I could do as a child about the things I had to endure. As an adult, I am able to protect myself. I don't intend to shun my mother. What I have done is set some boundaries. It is up to her whether or not we have a relationship. Like I told her, if she calls me on the phone and starts preaching at me, I'm hanging up. I refuse to continue to be this captive audience for her.

    I do not intend to wallow in the misery of the past. I have done what my therapist suggested to me a long time ago and confronted my parents about what they did to me and how it affected me. I believe that if I am to truly make progress, I have to address people in my life who were/are abusive. If they want to have a relationship with me, they will have to change their abusive ways. My father has decided by his actions that he does not want a relationship with me. He is cut out of my life. As in, if we happen to be in the same room, we may or may not speak to each other, I address him by his first name, if he should fall on hard times he will SOL if he has no where else to go.

    My feelings toward my mother are different. She's ill, but she has good qualities. No matter what happens, I'll make sure she has a roof over her head and is cared for. As far as a mother/daughter relationship, like I said earlier, it's up to her. My hope is that finally getting all of my feelings out into the open will prompt her to want to change.

    And I do not want anyone to think this is because I am sick of annoying phone calls. The reality is that I have had depression in degree or another since I was around 12, not that anyone in my family acknowledged it. With all the problems growing with most having to do with my JW father's abandonment, she never gave emotional support, or considered how that must have effected us. She pushed religion. My depression carried over into adulthood, and for a few years I was barely functional. She did nothing to help me. She was always ready with admonishment to go to the meetings, and pray to jehovah though.

    So at this point in my life, I am an adult who cannot remember what it is like to live without depression, I've spent my life in a cult so I have to find out what my non-cult, not depressed personality is. So yes, there will be painful conversations, and probably more ultimatums. I don't feel that it's wrong to tell the ones in your life who are causing you pain to make some changes (at least make efforts) if they want a relationship. And I don't see anything wrong with cutting a person off who's in your circle and doesn't have your best interests at heart. I'm not talking about people who are annoying, crazy, people who disagree with you (even about politics and religion). That's the least you can ask of a person like a family member or friend is that they care about you, and show it.

    I thank you all for letting me vent. And I really appreciate all of you alls input, even the ones I don't totally agree with.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I never knew there were so many with toxic parents.

    Dad is the doormat/rage filled bi-polar parent.

    Mom is the Nazi/Narcissistic/histrionic/lazy parent.

    I'm sorry I've got so much company in this.

    It just means that others have these kinds of parents and worse.

    Getting one's self-esteem up and running normally may take one's whole life.

    By the way, I'm the doormat daughter in recovery (no counseling), just to keep the peace.

    I moved 3,000 miles away from all that mess in order to heal and discover peace.

  • Reopened Mind
    Reopened Mind

    Hugs to you serenitynow! My husband has a similar situation to yours with his mother. If your mother is mentally ill and she refuses help then there is really nothing you can do

    except distance yourself for your own sanity.

    Reopened Mind

  • jamiebowers

    SerenityNow, you are such a lovely person...a smart, beautiful, accomplished young woman of whom any normal mother would be proud. I'd be happy to adopt you. For your sake, look at your mother as just a fellow human being and look for mothering from other women. It sounds like to me that your mom suffered a lot as a child and learned early on to use denial as a coping mechanism.

    And you're right in believing that there's nothing wrong in limiting your time with toxic people. As a matter of fact, it is an especially important skill to develop after exiting a cult. You sound like you have it all together and just needed to vent. I'm pm'ing my phone number to you if you ever want to talk.

  • serenitynow!
    For your sake, look at your mother as just a fellow human being and look for mothering from other women.

    I actually did have "other mothers" when I was a teen. I confided a lot in the mothers of my friends, JWs of course.

    Jamie, you are so sweet. I'm feeling better; I've had a long time to get used to not having a normal mother/daughter relationship.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    oh sigh

    Some of us have dealt with abusive/controlling/manipulative/narcissistic/rageaholic and even neglectful parents most of our lives. There is no possiblity of a peaceful relationship with them. Most of us have tried everything we could think of and nothing works. We just wind up walking away with out stomach in knots and our heads ful of anger.

    What you are saying is the equivalent of telling an abused wife to go back to the person who beat her and controls her and make it work.

    That might work in some cases.

    But when you have a parent who is mentally ill youi have to cut the cord at some point. Otherwise we continue to be abused and taken advantage by them.

    I contactedf one of my mother's sisters and she wants me to come visit. I thiunk she wants my mother to come to. I was reading your post and thinking maybe I just need to approach her as someone mentally ill who just happend to be my mother. That might work but it would not be honest. I can't lie anymore - not about who I am and not about the kind of mother she was and still is. And even if I did pretend for a few hours what would I really get in the end? She would go home and I would go come and absolutely nothing would change. So why do it? Why lie and fake-it?

    My aunt is a JW but I don't need to fake it with her. While I won't tell her everything about how I feel about the JWs I can be honest that I don't want to go back and she won't shun me for it. I've only met this aunt a handful of times in my life but I feel closer to her than I do my own mother. THAT speaks volumes to me.

  • mrsjones5

    Some of us have dealt with abusive/controlling/manipulative/narcissistic/rageaholic and even neglectful parents most of our lives. There is no possiblity of a peaceful relationship with them. Most of us have tried everything we could think of and nothing works. We just wind up walking away with out stomach in knots and our heads ful of anger.

    What you are saying is the equivalent of telling an abused wife to go back to the person who beat her and controls her and make it work.

    That might work in some cases.

    So true Lady.

    My mother is very controling, abusive when she doesn't get her way, so manipulative to the point that I don't trust her anymore, thinks her children should revolve around her and is so jealous of her children's spouses and friends that she will demonize them to our faces, and a rageaholic when she doesn't get things her way. I can't change her. But I can change how I respond to her. I've set boundries that right now I'm not comfortable letting go of. That might change in the future but there's no way I'm letting her get close to me right now.

  • RN

  • purplesofa

    Just sending support......I too, have a Mom sorta like yours, none of her kids have anything to do with her, it's not all to do with JW stuff either.

    I had an elder once I talked to about my Mom, he said You know, she has some sort of mental disorder, no Mother would say and do the things she does with/to you.

    It made it easier to deal with her, but only for a short time. Until she recognizes her freakiness, she thinks all she says and does is ok, if she would just admit she has a problem and

    was ever sorry, we might could deal with her.

  • RN


    Lady Lee's last comment is well worth consideration. Sometimes you really do have to say "I'm done." Mental illness can take many forms and personality disorders (I believe) can be some of the most difficult to deal with. When I first read your original post, I could not help but think you may be dealing with someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    My mother has NPD. Being a JW made her worse, as the religion encouraged her controlling and mal-adaptative coping behaviors. One of her primary reasons for joining the religion "it would help me control my children"; then when we were grown and married, she decided she didn't "need" them anymore and walked away, leaving us stuck in hell.

    With a narcissistic, it's always all about them, how they feel, what they want or need. You're never good enough (unless you are the designated "Golden Child"), your feelings, ideas, beliefs etc. are invalid (unless they agree with hers). Boundaries are not respected and probably not even recognized.

    My mother, I've had to cut her off (go "no contact") for the sake of my sanity.

    Google "narcissistic personality disorder" and check out numerous articles, discussion boards and book listings, it may be helpful to you.

    Wishing you the best,


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