So I asked my female coworker what she was doing this weekend............

by miseryloveselders 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • miseryloveselders

    No I wasn't asking her out! But her reply made me so very envious. You know my mother always would tell me, "wordly people aren't really happy." As a kid that always bugged me because I figured if people are laughing, smiling, and generally having a good time, they must be happy. As an adult, I realize you can have your fair share of problems, but still be happy. So what my mother was telling me about worldly people not being happy, was bull crap. Granted she's just repeating what her delusional mother force fed her as my grandmother is an old school pioneer. If a JW could be likened to having the durability of a cockroach, those older JWs including my grandmother would have their mascot. Going back to my coworker, after I asked her what her plans were for the weekend, she replied, "Nothing really. Looking forward to sleeping in tommorrow. Screw that alarm clock."

    Ohhh do I envy her because at 8am, my alarm clock will ring, and I'll have to get ready for field service. I can't wait to knock on the doors of a bunch of apathetic strangers to offer them the real life. I just don't understand why they don't appreciate the refreshing spiritual gems found only in the Watchtower and Awake magazines. Why don't they get it? I tell ya, some people just don't recognize quality, even if you have to ring on their doorbell at 9:30 in the morning and deliver it to them. To top it off, the literature is free, and they still don't want it!! What is it with people?

  • mrsjones5

    Better you than me.

  • NewChapter


    I sure hope no one rings your co-worker's doorbell at 9 am! She can only control the alarm clock. Are locusts and cockroaches in the same family? I'll have to look that up. LOL

  • mrquik

    I'll be on my way to a beach in Mexico tomorrow morning. Boy, I sure do miss those 50 years of knocking on doors. Knock on one for me.

  • superpunk

    Not familiar with your story, but someday you'll be free.

    There's almost nothing better than doing absolutely NOTHING all weekend. Or doing nothing Saturday and Sunday mornings because you went so hard the night before.

    The dubs always would look down on people who were "working for the weekend" just so they could "make merry". As compared to the dubs who are working for the weekend just so they can do more work for a publishing cult and get absolutely no rest before going back to work on Monday. They really don't get it.

    superpunk, of the "don't wake me before 11 on the weekend or I will mess you up" class.

  • snowbird

    You may as well drop the charade and start dating.

    You know you want to do so.

    I'm too old for dating, but if the Enemy strikes my estranged husband first, I shall go deep into the woods and find myself another mate.

    We would raise cattle and mules and chickens and vegetables.


  • leavingwt

    MLE -- In all seriousness, where do you see yourself in 3 years?

    I know it's not easy to walk away from WT without suffering some serious cuts and scars. Many of us bear them. However, my courageous side tells me to tell you that tomorrow CAN be the first day of the rest of your life, if you WANT it to be. It won't be easy and tears will be shed, but, brother, there is a bright future ahead.

  • james_woods
    We would raise cattle and mules and chickens and vegetables.


  • snowbird

    Yeah, M-U-L-E-S.

    You got a problem with that?

    That's what I thought.


  • mamalove

    Make your weekends fun then! Make plans, start living life. You know everlasting life ain't comin'! You are not getting any younger dear grasshopper!

    You have so much potential, you seem extremely logical and kind hearted. I agree with Leaving WT, what are your goals? Was there ever a time in your life when you had a taste of something that you wanted to go back and taste again? (Yes I realize that can be construed rated R, but you know where I am going with this)

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