So I asked my female coworker what she was doing this weekend............

by miseryloveselders 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • 144001

    the sad thing about bein' a JW is that grown men are not allowed to choose

    their own path, if they try, they lose their family

    Families are not worth "keeping" if "keeping" them requires a self-induced miserable existence.

    It's time to take a stand. Just say "NO" to any further waste of your life in this cult. Family will shun you, but for most, over time, the shunning eventually ends when they realize that it's not going to cause the family member who chose freedom to conform to their improper expectations.

  • elderelite

    No can take away our right to choose our own path wasblind.. Our options can be limited amd their will always be consequences, but we still choose. I choose to hang around the org on a limited basis... I have to deal with the comsequences. I hope and pray that misery will understand he dosent HAVE to be here. Undersranding that we choose, for a reason, makes it tolorable. To feel stuck and ot have a choice is emasculating

  • rebel8

    at 8am, my alarm clock will ring, and I'll have choose to get ready for field service.

    Fixed that for you.

    You are free already--free to choose.

  • wasblind

    I understand what you are sayin' EL,

    but I just shake my head when I see articles published

    by the WTS, that totally contradicts what they practice

    among the members. The 2009 Awake article

    No on should be made to choose between religion and family

    was a complete joke on their part

  • wasblind

    " Families are not worth "keeping" if "keeping" them requires a self-induced miserable existence."


    are you sayin' that you would be willin' to walk out on

    small children if you had any ? young children trump

    your own personal misery. Don't ya think ?

  • EmptyInside

    Well, I hope Misery is having a nice day in field service,it's almost break time. We usually took ours around 10:30 or 11,then return visits.

  • Iron Head
    Iron Head

    Feeble. If you don't like your life, change it. Man up and grow a pair. These "pity me while I continue to do change nothing" threads are pathetic

  • elderelite

    Iron head, in principle i agree. But i also know everyone progresses at their own pace, and that pace cant be forced. Better to encourage misery and empower than to beat him down. The WT has done enough beating down for anyones lifetime.

    @wasblind, you know i agree about kiddies... Its why im involved still, but not everyone agrees nor do they have to. Thats the whole poimt of choosing our own path. What 144 choose is not what i have to live, and vise versa... I have had plenty of days where i was tempted to give the whole org the middle finger and damn the consequences to me from wife and kids... But ultimatly i havent made that choice. I live with it cause its the consequences i am prepared to deal with ATM... 144 is prepared for a different set of consequences. But both of us have made informed desions based on our preferances. Misery seems to be stuck in habit and routine.

    Free your mind misery. When you wake up tommarow, what will you want to look back on? A day in service, or something else..? Create that new reality. It is ypurs and yours alone.

  • sabastious
    Feeble. If you don't like your life, change it. Man up and grow a pair. These "pity me while I continue to do change nothing" threads are pathetic

    Horrible advice. Maybe you could stop thinking that having a larger scrotum will solve any of his problems.


  • rebel8

    I'm sorry but I refuse to see this as a person choosing his kids over his happiness.

    It's his wife who is choosing unhappiness and a horrible cult over her kids and husband.

    I don't believe in protecting adults from the natural consequences of their actions. It's unhealthy for all concerned.

    I always secretly wished my parents would get separated and I'd be "forced" to live with the unbelieving one and "prevented" from being involved in the cult.

    True, none of us have to agree with the OP's choices....but he did initiate this discussion.

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