Good thread MM,
I think a lot of irritation is caused on both sides of the Christian/Atheist discussion because of a very human trait, that of not really listening.
We tend to spout off without really being aware of what the other side is saying. Remember how we all used to react to someone who was of a trinitarian point of view when we were JW's ? We did not know what we were talking about--literally, we did not know what had been established as the doctrine of the trinity, we really had not "listened".
It is annoying when someone says "You are a Triniterian so you believe ........... " or "You are an Atheist so ............ " and proceeds to show they do not know what the Trinity is , or what an Atheist is.
So instead of addressing the topic, we get stuck on Labels, or trying to show where the "opposition" is in error.
I think it is better, if we can make ourselves do it, to try to listen to the other persons point of view, put ourselves inside their head and see what they are thinking and feeling, and then perhaps offer an alternative for them to consider, but never in a points scoring way.
I have to confess I do not always even come close to that ideal, especially when someone from a very different world-view than mine tells me in a self-righteous way that I am "Damned to Hell" or infers something similar, and their belief is baseless as far as I can see.
There is a lot too of, "New Convert Zeal" , I know at the various stages I have reached on my spiritual journey away from the WT cult , I want to shout my newly discovered knowledge from the roof tops, and at the time it seems as though you should, but really we still need to respect where other people are on their particular journey.
Having said all that, I do think that debates on here where people get really involved, and sometimes even a bit heated, are really helpful and above all Great Fun !