I'm speaking of science as an authoritative collective, not scientific methodology, which I have no issue with, and never have. For god's sake, know it's a set of disciplines.
Unfortunately, in the minds of Joe Average, science is an authority, a collective, it's smart guys in white coats that use mysterious means unknown to them to figure out things. Frankly, people who say "science" in worshipful tones are as unthinking as those who say "Jesus" or "Jehovah" in such, if it's because someone else coerced them to think it by virtue of status or peer pressure. Some people simply accept science because they're afraid to look stupid if they don't. That's a poor reason to accept anything.
Science might as well BE magic to the ignorant. That is why you have to keep them from turning science into mindless religion too. Do you think evolution is a growing body of scientific evidence and theory trying to figure out how life changed and adapted to this world, or do you just think it's right because a guy you think is smarter than you, your 8th grade biology teacher, said it?
If you answered "B" then you're like a lot of the kids I've taught.
I haven't bitten any hands that fed me. I teach and have taught scientific method to my now grown kids, and I also taught them to think for themselves. I'm qualified to teach biology, psychology, physics and chemistry on a high school level and have. I have also done private tutoring on those subjects.
I'm glad I'm not living in a cave, have electricity and central heating, know how magnets work and wish we'd better utilize science to solve some of our more serious problems, which it could better do if we weren't sharing the planet with people who would rather live in the Bronze Age by rules written down by men who were afraid to take a crap without asking the sky god first!
But if you can convince me that no scientist has ever been wrong ever because of abusing scientific methodology or succumbing to the profit motive, I'll start wearing a lab coat as religious garb, set up a statue of Stephen Hawkings and kiss it's toes daily, while pouring the blood of a chicken in a circle and dancing naked in front of it.