The scientific method is a fantastic tool for revealing facts about our world and its success rate is staggering so far.
I like that phrase "its success rate is staggering so far". In what sense do you believe the scientific method has a success rate? Can you name some failures that are purely a result of the method itself? Stictly speaking empiricists don't admit the method itself can ever be faulted, only that the method can be wrongly applied to give false results.
The scientific method came up with the finding that there was such a thing as race. I think we should call that result a mistake, not primarily because it unture, but because it resulted in biological anthropology, eugenics, and genocide.
Religion gave structure to society for thousands of years and continues to provide meaning for many individuals. Just as certain scientific narratives do for many today. Science takes no account of the fact that delusions other than its own may be useful. In that respect it resembles religion.