So me, of all people, had a religious experience

by sabastious 363 Replies latest jw friends

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Again, Sab, I'm not trying to rain on your parade, but I am trying to get some perspective for myself on this.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but there are only 169 permutations possible when you're dealt 2 cards with 13 different values, right?

    • Of those permutations, how many could be considered sentimental or notable hands? (You mentioned one held special meaning for your brother but not for you... so you really must combine any hands of significance to EITHER of you.)
    • Was there any prediction made prior to each hand as to what that specific hand would be?
    • Was there any other significance to the order in which you received those sentimental hands?
  • SweetBabyCheezits
    The trolls, for whatever reason, are deprived of intuition and cannot fathom that humans may possibly not be the highest form of intelligence in the universe, or that there may be more in this world than that which can be touched, eaten, smelled, heard, seen, or fucked.

    New Light, I have some beautiful ocean-front property in Kansas that I'm selling. Would you be interested? You'd have to buy it sight-unseen but, from what I gather about you, that shouldn't be a problem.

    Some of us would rather suspend belief until sufficient evidence is available. Perhaps he had a supernatural experience but it is, by definition, closed-minded to quickly accept the first "feeling explanation" one finds and stop searching for more plausible explanations.

  • sabastious
    Was there any other significance to the order in which you received those sentimental hands?

    I guess to start, King-Small 9 times in a row is a good place to start the math. We don't have a plethora of truly sentimental hands as you can see in my post about the hands.

    I have to clean house with the wife right now so I don't have time to get into the math. I'd suggest not trying to do the math before I do because when I do post it I think more information will come to light with it.


  • new light
    new light
    New Light, I have some beautiful ocean-front property in Kansas that I'm selling. Would you be interested? You'd have to buy it sight-unseen but, from what I gather about you, that shouldn't be a problem.

    That's cool, man. I express a belief in something higher which, by the way, I received by asking and while a dyed in the wool grade A skeptic, and you assume I am some drooling faith junkie.

    I respect the hardcore skeptic, like yourself possibly, while feeling contempt for folks who believe what has been handed to them without investigation. That being said, I have received and, at this moment, continue to see evidence in my own soul that there is more at work than what our eyeballs can see.

  • sabastious
    I respect the hardcore skeptic, like yourself possibly, while feeling contempt for folks who believe what has been handed to them without investigation. That being said, I have received and, at this moment, continue to see evidence in my own soul that there is more at work than what our eyeballs can see.

    The eyeball is an interesting choice for your point you make. The fundamentalist skeptic has no boundries for which he/she will use to question the alleged supernatrual events. Being an eye witness is just not enough in some cases.

    Think of a crime scene detective; they use their intuitions as often as their eyes. They question eye witnesses and use psychological profiling to uncover clues to solving the crime. They would be foolish if they used a "what you see is what you get" approach to solving the crime. With a mystery you have to dig deeper and digging deeper means getting out your thinking cap.


  • new light
    new light

    Are you agreeing with me?

  • new light
    new light

    A mystery is exactly what we have here, and we must be comfortable with the fact that we will never know it all. I personally find life much more interesting dancing with the mystery, as opposed to being a prisoner of my ego's predictable thought patterns.

    I'm really glad you had your moment. I had mine, and it was just the beginning of a hopefully lifelong process of joyful discovery and growth. Here's to your new way of seeing things!

  • cofty

    I personally find life much more interesting dancing with the mystery

    Mysteries are for investigating and resolving not celebrating.

  • SixofNine
    Being an eye witness is just not enough in some cases.

    Amen. If you are human, your mind is not nearly the perfect computer storage system we'd all love to believe it is.

  • sabastious
    Are you agreeing with me?

    It was what my brain came up with after reading your post.


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