The Empty Cupboard

by compound complex 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    My current habitation is not my home, yet its many doors have been locked against my departure.
    No longer within four wooden walls of plain aspect and diminutive size, I am lost in an infinite
    architectural spread that reaches toward earth's four points, an edifice possessing three levels
    of magnificent scale that demand I should walk, climb, explore every one of thousands of
    hidden nooks and crannies.

    I am compelled to do this but find no joy in discovery.
    I want to go back, go back to the simplicity of my earlier life.
    I cannot.

    It is becoming dark out of doors, a slinking, watery sun having limped its pathetic course
    through the closing chapter of a gloomy and damp spring day. Its brief, craven appearance
    has created more shadow than illumination, and this has tended toward my unease, prompting
    me to turn on each light of every room on all floors. I am alone - sometimes it is all right to be alone -
    but not at this time.

    This dwelling space of loss and loneliness holds me captive and I want only to walk out the door and go home.
    I am stopped as hand furtively touches handle.
    Held captive; no escape.

    Andrew J. Vincent

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    She felt invisible.

    Coming in and going out the same door and yet never occupying any space. She was no better or worse off than the missing coffee pot. Or the curtains. The rugs. The house was empty. So was she, inside her shell of a self. Ruthann, finally awake to yet another new day and the reality of a vacuous existence, didn't require a bracing mug of joe to snap to her personal reality.

    Everything had become a habit, a long-ingrained habit, a morbid and useless practice of repetitive actions that required little more than involuntary reflexes to get through a task, an emotion, the dead and dying day. Was it like this for everyone? Who's to know? Surely, someone has the answer but shows himself invisible when begged for an explanation.

    Is the day of death better than the day of one's birth? Poor Dr. and Mrs. Delaney. Their joy, their sorrow. All in the passage of a day's dawn and dusk ...

  • snowbird

    When JWD morphed into JWN, posters of yore were given bonus points.

    CoCo, your writing style is simply elegant.

    What more can I say that hasn't already been said?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Dear Snowbird, for the encouragement to continue ...


  • misanthropic

    Fantastic CoCo, I'm incredibly inarticulate so I really appreciate your gift as well as others who've put their work up and brought such entertainment on this board.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thank you, Dear Miss Ann, for your thoughtfulness in responding. I try to keep a positive attitude toward what I do, remembering that even the smallest voice deserves to be heard.

    Au contraire, your clear and straightforward writing is refreshing and by no means inarticulate. But I do get your meaning ...

    Please stayed tuned; this is a work in progress!


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Little Betty loved playing with her dolls.

    Each of her dollies had extraordinary lives, certainly with stories to tell, tales infused with her own vivid imagination. There was no end to the drama - fueled by scenes Betty absorbed from movies, books, life in her town. One loosey goosey doll was rather old looking, another a young girl with golden braids. A particularly lovely and shapely figurine was impeccably attired in hat and gloves. Due to her rigid form, however, the beautiful ceramic doll could not go up and down the doll house stairs so easily. She, therefore, would promenade on the tree-lined boulevard. The old, double-jointed raggedy doll flopped up and down the staircase with Betty's assistance.

    It was time to refit the empty house and clean it up. The fussy little home owner put on her pink apron and went to the closet to fetch a box of toy furniture and any and all accessory that would gussy up the slightly tattered interior of the toy mansion that Betty's grandfather had so lovingly built for her.

    Suppertime was coming up on her heels, so Betty, with some dispatch, filled the cabinets in the kitchen with tiny boxes of this-and-that and then put a miniature coffee pot on the little toy stove. This happy home of fawn and cream with burgundy trim was soon to be filled with guests as there was a new arrival.

    Betty smiled in anticipation of the joy beaming on all her dolls' faces when baby Ruthann would be placed once again in her crib.

  • snowbird
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Syl.

    The denouement came to me at 4:00 am.

    Boy, was I stumped!


  • snowbird


    The words that I propound on the WFTD thread always come to me around 2 am-ish.

    I try to keep them in my head, but lately I've had several "senior moments" wherein they've escaped!

    LOL again.


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