The Empty Cupboard

by compound complex 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    Peel your eyes for little Bertie Snow and her encounter with Jinx and his boy, Jeb!


    This escaped me on yesterday.

    Tee hee hee.


  • snowbird

    Oh, CoCo.

    We are awaiting ...


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks for the reminder, Syl!

    Strange how a thought or a tune can turn into into spontaneous verse [Whisper in My Ear] yet, other times, a little cogitation is required! I'm trying to get my head wrapped back around the South and her gentle denizens.


  • snowbird

    Whisper In My Ear and its inspiration are simply awesome to contemplate.

    I'm reading it again for the first/third time.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, Syl, for the thoughts ...

    Will be thinking of you and mutual friends as I go off for the day to do scrubbing and polishing.


  • snowbird


  • BizzyBee
    Will be thinking of you and mutual friends as I go off for the day to do scrubbing and polishing.

    Nothing against scrubbing and polishing, and Lord knows I've done my share. But there is something about the waste of innate talent on mundane chores that is a loss to the world. I've made a good living as a writer (business) but my drivel couldn't hold a candle to CC's creative endeavors.

  • snowbird

    but my drivel couldn't hold a candle to CC's creative endeavors.

    Isn't he something?

    I've told him often that the world isn't worthy of him.


  • snowbird

    Due to OCD issues, I have to complete this.

    Continued ...

    The model child agreed to go on the errand for the lady of the manor. Precocious though she was, she was still a child, and the thought of having some of the enticing treats in the full cupboard was incentive enough.

    She knew the boy hated her and had taught his dog to do the same, so she breathed a prayer of entreaty before setting out across the field. She carefully crossed the barbed wire fence, and, taking a deep breath began the trek up the steep incline.

    Just as she'd figured, the boy was sitting off to the side of the house, an arm draped casually around his dog's neck. Both he and the dog leered at the model child. Ignoring them, she advanced toward the steps that led to the front door. Just as her right foot touched the bottom step, she heard a distinct "Sic her!" escape the boy's lips.

    As though primed for just this moment, the dog immediately sprang into action. He charged the terrified child, who turned and ran away as fast as her little legs could carry her, screaming like a banshee!

    The old lady hurried to the door to see what the commotion was about. She took off a shoe, shook it at her grandson, then threw it at him. The boy ducked nonchalantly, then whistled sharply for his dog. The dog ceased the chase immediately and returned to the boy, scanning his face for a nod of approval.

    Meantime, the model child had made it to the safe haven of their little cabin. Once inside, when the trembling had subsided, she gave heartfelt thanks for her deliverance, and vowed never to have anything else to do with the boy.

    50 years have passed, and she has remained true to her vow.

    The End.


  • snowbird


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