What world events would cause you to run back to the JW,s

by jam 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I have no problems...I just imagine myself with jws for eternity.....a short well-lived life is best.

  • villabolo



  • sooner7nc

    Nothing, absolutely nothing. Spades theories are full of holes, by the way.

  • strymeckirules

    jesus and jehovah would have to show up and explain the jdub doctrine personally to me.

    then i might.

  • alias

    I would need to have a real deep and convincingly unmistakeable conversation with my creator.




    A Spade with a Hole in it!..


    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    Nothing, if you are referencing any world events that might preceed Armageddon. JWs have no evidence to support their contention that they have a special relationship with God; therefore, they are irrelevant to my survival.

    Take for example their recent emphasis on showing respect to the GB for 'all they have given us.' That's logical. If they can point to something they have given me, I will thank them. But, all the basic beliefs they lifted from others associated with Russell.

    What "spiritual food" from 1914 onward has the governing body dispensed that hasn't proved rotten?

    The door the to heavens is closed; the door to the heavens is open; the door to the heavens is closed, and now its reopen again? Wow...thanks for that insight.

  • jam

    Spade are you serious? Heb.6;4-6 (repent) Would you seek forgiveness

    from A mother or father that abuse you as A child. The problem, we have

    been enlightened and tasted the free gift of freedom. You probably

    beleive we are angry because we can not live up to Jehovah,s standards

    or should I say FDS (standards) and the end is near, the road is narrow

    and all the other BS. If you do not understand any thing that has been

    said, please understand this, we are not jealous,or envious of the JW,s.

    We do not want to be in your spiritual paradise, it makes us sick

    to our stomach. If you are not A JW, you should become one, you would make

    A great Elder. That narrow road that few is on, requires A narrow mind.

  • sooner7nc

    Thanks OUTLAW. Coming from you, that's an honor indeed.

  • flipper

    Absolutely nothing

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