If the WTS decided to sell off a few billion dollars worth of their real estate and give it to me, I might consider returning to the fold.
What world events would cause you to run back to the JW,s
by jam 76 Replies latest jw friends
@MARY = a few billion dollars
We all have our price! Mine's UK stirling ££££££££££££££££
No world event for me either... even if from now on all world events would perfectly line up with the WTS's prophecies showing they're right, it would still mean by going back I would worship an evil God.
When the WTBS can make ONE prediction that comes true. OR if the UN actually turns on religion like they have said was going to happen (remember the wild beast turning on the harlot?). Then, I must admit, as most of us born in's probably would, I would have to at least consider it.
I will never go back. Spade is a perfect example of one of the reasons I will not go back. Self-righteous, pompous, back-stabbing, hypocritical, bullshitting, lying idiots have no appeal.
You can take the WTS religion and shove it up your asses GB!
J. Hofer
i'd go back if they'd start preaching free love, serve free beer in the meetings and turn the assemblies into a three day rock festival starring bullet for my valentine, linkin park and pink!
That was just beautiful Quentin.
I too can attest to the love found on the outside vs the love that ain't on the inside. No way in hell I would go back. There's no love there.
Well for starters, a smart former JW would have to see the WT officials accept the divine punishment due to them over the bloodguilt they have accrued from the no-blood transfusion dogma- and their prior ban on organ transplants which caused the loss of innocent life, too. Any Elders who were personally responsible in helping enforce the no-blood ban would also need to be publicly reproved and accept all punishment due them from God and from Caesar for acting as stooges for the WT leadership in carrying out their no-blood bans that resulted in the loss of innocent lives.
Nothing. Absolutely nothing would cause me to go back. Even if God turned out to be a JW in The World to Come, I wouldn't apologize to him for leaving.
Even if God turned out to be a JW in The World to Come, I wouldn't apologize to him for leaving.
That is exactly their point - their God concept is a serial killing mass murderer.
Even if it were real - it should be resisted just as humans resisted the Aliens in the sci-fi movie Independence Day.