What world events would cause you to run back to the JW,s

by jam 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Snoozy

    Since I have researched to the point that I have no doubt in my mind that it is not the religion to save all mankind that it says it is, there is nothing that could convince me otherwise..therefore nothing..

    Unless.....they changed all their beliefs to go along with mine...


  • bobld

    NONE.Why would I go back the slop.


  • I quit!
    I quit!

    You might as well ask me what world events would cause me to eat mouse droppings. I can't think of any world event where eating mouse droppings or going back to a Kingdom Hall would make the situation any better.

    I guess the question is more for those who leave for reasons other than finding out it isn't the truth. Maybe if someone left just to live a wild lifestyle something might scare them into returning.

  • nolongerwaiting

    If I was starving and they had a soup kitchen in their parking lot. LOL Then I would see how fast I could eat and run.

    NLW's wife

  • boyzone

    If I went back then I'd be like a dog returning to the vomit.

  • Quentin

    About 1973, before I bcame an inactine jw, I lost my job. The employer refused to give me my pay that was due. We had no money, no food and a six month old baby. I called the congergation servant , explained our situation. Two brothers come around with a sack of grocies and a fifty dollar bill, was sternly warned not to use the cash for smokes ( this was before the df edict came down ) then left. Took me a month to find full time work.

    We lived day to day while I did day work. The kind where you worked a day got payed at the end of the day. No one from the kh came by to check on us, no one at meetings asked how we were doing. No other assistance was offered. One Thursday night I got called to the back room. I had gotten full time work by then, but had a two week wait before drawing my frist check. The congergation servent and assitent demanded to know where the fifty dollar loan was , why hadn't I paid it back? At no time wae I EVER infromed the fifty was a loan. They grilled me for thirty minutes, was told I had a week to pay the money back, or eles be publicly reproved, it was even hinted there could be a jc over the matter. That was one of the low points of my jw life. There were more, but that's another story.

    Present day. I'm a Freemason. Several years ago Kathy was in ICU, we didn't know if she would live, or die. I had missed a lot of work. One night two Lodge Brithers came by the house . They gave me an envolope with a $1000.00 in it. I cryed like a baby. They consoled me, said they'd "passed the hat at Lodge" sorry there wasen't more. "Take that money and use it to pay your bills and however you see fit to use it". It was not a LOAN. Those men went into their pockectbooks and gave freely what they could. They expected nothing in return.

    Our Church, and we have been unable to attend on a regular basis, I cannot tell you how many times over the last four to five years has made sure we have had gas in the car, grocries, brought food by, seen to it needed prescptions were filled and many other things they have done. A Church member comes by once a week to visit Kathy. Over the summer the Pastor and his son mowed and cleaned our yard. Kathy and I can't do much more than cook, wash clothes and dishes. Someone in the Church paid a cleaning lady to come by once a week for three months and clean the house and I do mean clean. How can I ever repay all this? I can't. The Lodge Brother's and Church member's did what they did from the heart, no questions asked, no judgements passed down. We needed, they gave.

    Go back to the jw's? No thanks, I'll take my chances out here in the world with the rest of the bird food. Not with a group of go out in fs and attend ALL the meeetings dimwits, because Jah will provide. Provide what? Nothing, it's an empty promise.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Feeding the Troll should become punishable by enforced visits to the Kingdom Hall!! LOL..

  • cantleave
  • punkofnice

    Nothing would make me go back unless it was a millions of £££££££ bribe......even then I wouldn't be mentally 'in'.

    Why do you guys play Spade/Alice's game? Why not just ignore this 'copy/paste' person?

  • WTWizard

    Nothing. The only thing that would cause me to "go" back to the witlesses would be if they physically dragged me back into the cancer or they were to turn my apartment or place of work into a Kingdumb Hell despite my efforts to do something about it.

    As of now, the Middle East is about to explode, because of food shortages caused by inflation. So, instead of running back to the Kingdumb Hell, I ran--to silver. Yes, they are in trouble--but I know the root of the whole problem is that the dollar is going to toilet paper, and as it is still the world reserve currency (toilet paper at that), we are exporting our inflation to the world. One day, they are going to dump the dollar--in favor of a world currency that will already be toilet paper on arrival. And China is going to refuse to buy any more Treasury bonds. At which point, financial Armageddon will come--and your salvation will be in gold, silver, and commodities (or resources that can be used to grow your own commodities), not Jehovah.

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