HA-HA!Hey Sexy Yo-Yo,so you want the board to form a judicial committie?Dosen`t sound like something a young girl would say.Sounds more like some old fart trying to pretend he`s a young girl.(LOL)It`s more likely you`ll just be laughed at till you leave..LOL...OUTLAW
Please form a judicial committee...
by SexyTeen 95 Replies latest jw friends
Can you explain this a little farther for me...
"flower: My point was that if I accuse JWs of something and then I do the same thing, what does that make me?"
I take that to mean you are saying that 'we' accuse jw's of judging people and now 'we' are judging you, so 'we' are just as bad as jw's. Am I correct in that interpretation of what you are trying to say? If not please explain.
If that is what you are saying then obviously you are trying very hard to make the people here out to be the 'bad guys' while everything you have done is justifed in your mind. It sounds like you think you had a valid reason for lying to and hurting people here so it was ok to do it and you think that for us not to be forgiving and accept your reasons we must be in the wrong.
If that is your thinking right now you have a lot to learn about honesty and how to be a true friend to someone. Lying, angry outbursts (like you originally made to simon when he busted you), accusations, disrespect, apologizing but adding excuses and justifications..all these things are behaviors that would make people not want anything to do with you and youve shown them all.
I'm with you, Alan! SexyTeen is obviously YoYo. Sexy even lied during the post where she apologies for lying!
YoYo is having fun. At least it is harmless fun. SexyTeen is getting a lot more attention that YoyoMamma ever did.
I try not to judge people--but I do judge ideas/truth according to the Bible. Try not to generalize us posters cuz' we are all different and unique. You sound sincere so all I can do is believe you and if you are lying it's not my problem, it's on you. (I don't think you are lying though!) Try to get over the misunderstanding and just participate in the forum as you need to(that goes for all of us). If you have questions or things you want to discuss, go ahead and post- Thats what the forum is here for. The worst that could happen is no one answers but I'm sure you'll find a great number of us that will.
Hope your study of the Bible is going well.... & God bless, <><
Angie -
Hey Flower,Yo-Yo is having fun at your expense as sexy teen.Yo-Yo is an old hypocrate,lying fart.He`s pretending to be a young girl,and not doing a good job at it!(LOL)...OUTLAW
Alan: Those are some fighting words. You know, it's o.k. if you don't believe me. Where you an elder before? you sure act like one.
Please read an excellent post by "thewiz": http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=20478&site=3&page=2
: YoYo is having fun. At least it is harmless fun. SexyTeen is getting a lot more attention that YoyoMamma ever did.
You got it, Richard, except that YoYo is obviously nuts in a nasty way. When he couldn't get to first base by posing questions he thought no one could answer, he disappeared and then reincarnated himself as SexyTeen in order to play upon the emotions of good-hearted people. Note how he still manages to deceive people, even after having been thoroughly exposed.
flower: Yes that's what I meant, sorry it hurts you, but its true.
Skeptic: Are you a skeptic? lol...
Adonai: You are very nice and I take your posts very seriously, thanks. I admit that I ignore some that are very abusive and they give this forum a bad name, but then there are sweet people like you that makes it worth to stick around and learn.
Outlaw: I think you try very hard to seem so tough and manly, but I know deep down your a softy and a sweethart.
Oh, please, YoYo! TheWiz is yet another trolling ass. He/she/it demonstrates it with every post.
Im with Alan on this one. om