You call me at 617-565-6984 and I will gladly accomodate you, if you're telling the truth.
Please form a judicial committee...
by SexyTeen 95 Replies latest jw friends
Yeh. I thought yoyo was a womam also. Go figure.
He sure writes like a woman I think i'm not sure now.
It's just that every time someone refers to this PErson
as a man it throws me off 4 a min. I can't help it, my
extra sensory perception is saying 'woman'.
This whole thing is too weird. -
I have posted my picture for all to see who I am. I added it to my profile, I don't know how to make it bigger.
Sorry, YoYoSexy:
We wanna hear your voice. Why don't you go ahead and give one of the above posters a call?
OUTLAW please lets settle this before it gets out of hand.
FOR THE LAST TIME!! I'm Superman, You're Batman. OK?
Whoever you are, why don't you stop playing games and post a serious thread with serious questions about your religion.
Hey kenny2,No way man!I`m SUPERMAN or I could be a new Chevy Avalanche,I`ve got a picture of that too...LOL...OUTLAW
Posting a picture of a girl proves nothing, YoYo. Look at 'my' picture now.
If that is indeed your picture, the name sexyteen must refer to someone else.
Really folks, Alan is right. These sort of games are simply a waste of time.