Me and another Brother were told to take out of the Library every book published before 1980 because "the Apostates could this information in these pulications against us."
Finished Mystery (1917)... The book that Jesus approved...
by Alfred 102 Replies latest watchtower bible
There is no mystery concerning the corrupt commercialization of what the WTS has been involved in since its inception 140 years ago.
I had a reprint of the book at one time , but it was so boring I didn't make it through it. Terrible writing. -
Alfred---just added your finished mystery research points to my blog is thats o.k.---I did reference your pseudonym at the end....
Funny thing is, if you believed these things now you'd be disfellowshipped... even though Jesus apparently chose these teachings himself.
Bumped for anyone who missed this....
They need a new book called " the start of the next WT mystery " . All children love fairy tales. Once apon a time the was a man who walked on water.........
Anyone have a copy of this book I'll would like to buy it.