I have a question. If the book was written in Scranton, PA, do you think it was printed on Dunder Mifflin paper?
Finished Mystery (1917)... The book that Jesus approved...
by Alfred 102 Replies latest watchtower bible
Black Sheep
Funny how they were removed from the KH library
Be careful with these sorts of claims Clarity. You are very likely to get egg on your face if you repeat this claim to a Dub.
There are no documents that contain such an instruction available, even in BOE letters.
Many Elder's libraries, KH libraries and Bethel libraries have this book and your Dub is likely to have seen it there.
Thanks Black Sheep, I thought all the halls removed all older literature a number of years ago. When I asked about the old Jehovah's witnesses in the Divine Purpose book here, the elders acted as though it had never existed.
Thanks for the heads up!
Juan Viejo2
Alfred - you have a PM - please check.
Fat Freek - Thanks!!!
Juan Viejo2
Black Sheep -
You are right that the book is still widely available if you look hard enough (Ebay is one location, and an occasional copy shows up on Amazon) - and that many copies can still be found in KH libraries throughout USA and Canada - it is also true that many of the newer KH libraries do not have anything further back than the 1950s version of "Let God Be True" and "The Truth Shall Set You Free." It is also true that many KH libraries were purged in the early to mid-80s of all of Rutherford's and Russell's old books - some going to Goodwill and some ending up in elders' garages to be eaten by mold and termites.
I'd ask all of the readers of this forum that still go to Kingdom Halls to check their local KH libraries and report back what they found there?
1. Are there any Russell books?
2. Are there any Rutherford books, especially the Rainbow series?
3. How far back do the Watchtower annual volumes go back?
4. Are there any Consolation or Golden Age volumes in the libraries?
I think it would be interesting for the forum members to find out what the contents of most KH libraries consist of.
In my old Congo when I left there was a complete set of "Studies in the Scriptures", a copy of the book that accompanied the Photo drama of Creation ,(that one donated to the library by me) ,and a good number of Rutherfords books bound in lurid colours.
W.T Bound volumes went back to 1950, we had some bound by aBro. which went back to the early forties, complete with his dutiful underling !
One, maybe two, later ones were missing, someone borrowed and did not return, they probably actually read the tripe and then promptly left !
We were urged by a C.O to get rid of the old Russell and Rutherford books during the eighties, but the TMS overseer of the time was an Antiquarian Book dealer, and he would have none of it, so they remained.
We had some other weird books added when a MS was given oversight of the Library, like the Book of Mormon and the Bhagvadgita (spelling?) they were removed around 2000 I believe, but the old Bible Student and Rutherford books remained.
Of course the GB today hopes no one reads this early really mad stuff, it might alert the reader to the fact that any claims made as to a choosing in 1918/9,and therefore any approval by Jesus today, are as false as when Elton John's dad said , "My Reg? he's not gay"
You did exactly what I did. I found a copy of the 1917 edition (cost me $50) and checked the references very carefully to make sure Ray Franz was quoting from it accurately. (didn't want to be fooled by a known apostate )
He was 100% spot on, as is your synopsis of the book. Thank you so much for summarising it. It brought back memories of how I felt as I read it.
At least the Mormons and 7th Day Adventists still hold to their founders' original texts.
Wow - that was great. I especially liked these two:
33. According to Revelation 18:14, during the millennium, the clergy will have to work for a living. This means that each preacher in Christianity will have to spend 65 cents for an alarm clock (p.285)
43. The preachers of Christianity say things that originate in their own imagination (p.432)
Oh my I remember my father having a copy of this book. He was so proud of the fact that Fred Franz (not the auther of the book by the way) had signed it for him. Even though Franz had not written the book doesn't his autograph signify he approved of it?