Finished Mystery (1917)... The book that Jesus approved...
by Alfred 102 Replies latest watchtower bible
His Excellency
11. The behemoth mentioned in Job 40: 15-24 is the stationary steam engine (p. 84)
12. The leviathan mentioned in Job 41:2-19 is the locomotive (p.85)
13. The valiant men in Nahum 2:3 are the locomotive conductor and the fireman (p.93) - Finished Mystery CT Rissole
And that my friends, shows how scripture can be interpreted to mean any old rhubarb!
cha ching
Thank you for such a clear list.
When you read the book, it sounds like the WT: clear lunacy (if lunacy can be clear)
#28 made me cry, when I read @ the adjustments made for the "Hoboken Tunnel"
cha ching - it's crackers isn't it!?
29. The clergy are like dumb dogs because they prefer to remain silent rather than accept one single “Truth” from Russell’s precious writings (p.238)
It's better to keep quiet and let people think you're mad than to print stuff like......
28. Revelation 14:20 provides us with the precise distance between Scranton, Pennsylvania (where this book was written) and Bethel in Brooklyn (where this book was printed) … 137.9 miles (p.230)
...and remove all possible doubt!!!
Thank you, OP, for doing the work to put together a synopsis.
Pahpa said:
It is rather ironic that the book, The Finished Mystery, that caused such a great
stir at Bethel upheld the exalted view of Russell even though its publication
was strictly against the wishes of Russell. It was one of the major
factors that led the Bible Students to leave the organization and organize
their own groups.
It wasn't The Finished Mystery that Russell prohibited in his will - it was publishing The Golden Age magazine that was the issue. Russell had stipulated in his will that the WTS should never publish another magazine besides The Watchtower. When The Golden Age was first published, it was published under a different publisher than the WTS - but the publishers were Bible Students - the WTS eventually came clean about its true connection to the WTS.
The Finished Mystery was actually written by Clayton Woodworth and George Fisher - both men were textbook writers for the International Correspondence School - it is unknown as to how much of the material in the book is actually Russell's or how much has been modified/added by the co-authors Woodworth and Fisher.
I took your list and compared it with the pdf copy of the 1918 finished mystery and it all matches up.
That may be - but the 'offending pages' that were the point of issue in the court trial of Rutherford and his cohorts in 1918, were removed in later editions. The pages that were removed were considered to be 'seditious' to the US government:
FAMOUS PAGES IN QUESTION: The Finished Mystery book, in its original publication contained more pages than what was later revised after Rutherford and company were sent to prison. But the pages read in Court may not be the same as copies some now have in their libraries, but they are as follows: [b]Pages 247-253, 289, 406, Sub-title, “They have blown the Trumpet” ... , page 407, and 469
The WTS, in their revised history of events, has shifted the focus of what the banning of the book was motivated by. Their publication makes the assertion that "In the United States, the irate clergy used the war hysteria as an excuse to get the book banned. In other countries the book was censored. "
This is not true. The leaders of the WTS were charged with sedition and treason. For an accurate view of why the book was banned, check out this site here
The issue in the Indictment is about the Society and its officers actively inducing members of the Armed forces to insubordination, refusal of duty, disloyalty, and mutiny.
Thanks for the research.
I don't know if it was already mention but the book stated that one of the angels or several angels mentioned in the book of revelations is in fact Russell in heaven. It was also stated somewhere back then that you had to except this book as from god or you were considered for lack of a better word an apostate.
Dismissing servant
Bump -
Number 43 is hilarious!!!!!!