awesome summary..... theres people claiming the end of the world within a year... i wonder if in 100 years from now the have their headquarters in brooklin n get to 7million as well
Finished Mystery (1917)... The book that Jesus approved...
by Alfred 102 Replies latest watchtower bible
Randy... absolutley... feel free to post or print
All... thanks for the kind comments.
Thank you Alfred. You have done humanity a great service.
What I want to know is:
If Jesus approved, no even more, endorsed, these teachings, by chosing the Bible Students on the basis of these words of wisdom, who gave Rutherford and subsequent writers of the WBTS the right to change them?
FatFreek 2005
Hi Alfred,
What a great amount of work that you've done in order to summarize it for us. Thank you very much.
I enjoyed point number 1, "Charles Taze Russell is the faithful and wise servant (p.4)"
That point confirms a great Watchtower teaching flip-flop. The say the following about that teaching:
*** jv chap. 28 p. 626 Testing and Sifting From Within *** . In 1881, Brother Russell himself had expressed the view that that "servant" was made up of the entire body of faithful spirit-anointed Christians. He saw it as being a collective servant, a class of persons who were united in doing God’s will. (Compare Isaiah 43:10.) This understanding was reaffirmed by the Bible Students in 1927.
Of course, what they cleverly neglect to disclose to the modern flock is that there was this in-between belief that Russell was, by Watchtower teaching, the "slave". Oh, they kind of quietly allude to it, saying to the effect that he admitted it, but only in private conversations. I'd like to shout (if we can get double-confirmation on that point number 1 above) that this 1917 publication (under Rutherford's control, Rutherford's ratification of Russell's belief) that Russell himself was certified as the discreet slave for some period of time.
This, in effect, gives us another instance of their growing list of teaching flip-flops.
- 1881, Faithful and Discreet Slave = group
- 1917, Faithful and Discreet Slave = Charles Taze Russell
- 1927, Faithful and Discreet Slave = group
Maybe I missed you mentioning it, but The Finished Mystery section on Revelation also says that Michael is the Pope in Rome!
I personally think every JW ought to have a copy of that book.
FatFreek 2005
I found the confirmation I wanted in Watchtower's own pages, same date of 1917.
It has been the privilege of the WATCH TOWER BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY since its organization to send out brethren designated as pilgrims, or lecturers, to proclaim this glorious message to those who have hearing ears. The Lord gave the harvest message to the Laodicean church, the faithful ones of whom compose the "feet members" of Christ; and he gave it through his especially chosen servant, according to his promise. (Matthew 24:45-47) All the "feet members" who are now engaged in proclaiming this precious message received their enlightenment by partaking of the "food" which the Lord sent through his chosen servant. THE WATCH TOWER unhesitatingly proclaims Brother Russell as "that faithful and wise servant." He delivered the message faithfully, finished his course and has now entered into his reward. Through him the Lord gave to the church the message that is so essential to each one who in this harvest time would win the glorious prize.
The WATCH TOWER and Herald of Christ's Presence, March 1, 1917
I love Rutherford's endorsement there of Russell, "unhesitatingly proclaims" -- nothing quiet or private there.
The above is a transcription where I copied from an electronic copy, corrected the OCR errors, and presented it here. I'd rather see a good-quality scanned copy. Len -
Interesting post. Makes me want to read the book myself.
Alfred... this is very well done. Thank you. I had not read the book and I think I don't need to with this synopsis. I'm so glad your head didn't implode from doing all that. I think it is very important for JWs to know the history of their organization. I have found in life that liars don't seem to be able to stop lying. Evidently this is true of the WT$.
47. God will destroy all of the churches on earth including all of its millions of members in 1918. It is expected that this will occur on or around April 27, 1918 (p.485, p.513, p.530)
Soooo... this happened invisibly then? Or is it now just overlapping with April 27, insert-year-of-choice-here ?
Two words come to mind to describe this book.... EPIC FAIL.
FatFreek 2005
Thanks to our friend Atlantis there is a well-organized collection of links to many early publications -- including The Finished Mystery, Vol 7 (this PDF may, or may not, be the same edition that Alfred so kindly reviewed).
The thread:
The link to the Finished Mystery:
Wow Alfred you do realize that in your very hands, you hold a book that Christ actually thumbed through or at least gazed on with his own beaming eyes. Christ did this only 93 years ago ...imagine.
This book should be bronzed gold plated and put up on the wall by the 'years text' in every kingdom hall in the whole world!! This is the book that should be studied once a year, so we never forget how important these chosen words are!!
Funny how they were removed from the KH library. How come elders never quote from these approved writings?