TotallyADD - I do believe I had never, EVER....thought of it like that! Wow...that was profound! Thanks :)
What Doctrines or JW Views Did You Not Find Too Believable?
by minimus 80 Replies latest jw friends
The 1919 teaching. It seemed to me like an appendage added to 1914.
Reopened Mind
Never could accept that qualifications for positions were limited strictly to males. It seemed counterproductive to me to exclude more than 50% of the congregation just because they were sisters. When I asked I was told it was because women were more emotional than men. I saw many men, both MS and elders, who were emotional but this did not disqualify them. I was a better reader than any brother I knew yet because I was not the right gender I could not publicly read the Watchtower or read at the book study. When I learned that Barbara Anderson had written many of the articles, I thought, "How hypocritical!" A sister could write an article (teaching) but could not read it in public (simply being a messanger). Now that I know what really went on amongst elders, I am relieved that I didn't qualify. It was a good old boys club and the good old boys didn't want to give up any of their power to us lowly women.
Reopened Mind
Jesus = Michael
"Time, times, and half a time" = 3 1/2 times (why not 99 1/2?) = 1260 years
"Little flock" identical to the 144,000
99% of the NT only applies to 144,000 Christians in 2000+ years
But Reopened Mind don't you know the WTS always perfers poles over holes. Love Ya Totally ADD
well this is strange
That the Governing Body are chosen by god. How do we know that? or how are we supposed to know that?
For those who remember, - when they told us that if we were thrown into prison camps and beaten and shot ...... we wouldn't feel it! -nope, not a darn thing! lol
That if we give up our families and friends who aren't in the truff, then we would get "mothers & fathers & sisters & brothers" in jah's org. oh yeah!!
When they said "we don't pass a collection plate" darn right they don't, they don't want the small change - they go after your house, your insurance policies, RSP's, your jewelery and all your cash!!
I couldn't accept subjugation of women. I saw how it didn't work between my Mom and Dad. It is counter to joy, creativity, growth, and love.
The blood policy was, in my opinion, contradicting Jesus' example of healing a sick person on the Sabbath. To save a life is more important than any law.
That God was/is directing the Watchtower.
That Jesus returned invisibly in 1914. And that he took 5 years to select the Watchtower as God's Chosen Organization.
That birthdays and holidays are not to be celebrated.
ADD...good point...If all the people that don't get to hear their good news will be saved....why tell them...make sure they don't hear it now, in this old least in the new world they can live for 1000 years! I wouldn't mind living for 1000 years!!! No way since I was born to a JW mom....Those people from China sure are lucky!!!!!!!! LOL By their own reasoning...are JW shortening peoples lives???Thanks for nothing JW
Typical and antitypical, what the hell, A type and A anti-type.