that if i spank it growing up i might turn gay!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOT!
What Doctrines or JW Views Did You Not Find Too Believable?
by minimus 80 Replies latest jw friends
See!!! I knew it before "The Slave".
Maybe you were the slave -
If humans died because of sin, why do animals die? They are not moral agents so should never have had to die in the first place - totally unfair.
MJNM, interesting!
It IS indeed interesting. A logicial person could easily get the idea that all living things are destined to die - and that thus, the "original sin" idea is merely an ancient fable (and the "ransom" a slightly less ancient fable) to try to explain a simple biological fact to early human society. There is also the conundrum that certain creatures do not have an automatic DNA aging process. They still eventually die by accident or getting eaten, but do not "age" chronologically like practically all other creatures. One jellyfish with this quality was mentioned in an issue of Scientific American on the aging process.
how did they back away from the "thinking heart" in the 1980s?
They portrayed the whole idea as the ignorance of the ancients. It made it appear that they were contradicting and correcting Aristotle instead of themselves.
"The ancient Egyptians believed that the physical heart was the seat of intelligence and the emotions. They also thought that it had a will of its own. The Babylonians said that the heart housed the intellect as well as love. The Greek philosopher Aristotle taught that it was the seat of the senses and the domain of the soul. But as time passed and knowledge increased, these views were discarded. Finally the heart became known for what it is, a pump to circulate blood throughout the body" (The Watchtower June 1 1986 p. 15)
my theory at the time (and I was utterly appalled at the false science of this teaching) was that it was laying a foundation of a medical rule against heart transplants
Well at the time, (1971) organ transplants of all types, (Including heart transplants) were forbidden.
Well at the time, (1971) organ transplants of all types, (Including heart transplants) were forbidden.
Really? I somehow had the idea that the transplants were made OK in the early 1960s - but it has been 40+ years, of course. Weren't heart transplants just getting past the stage of practically experimental medical stunts at this time? I somehow had the notion that this was a preparatory step to ban them for JWs if they ever become medically successful.
Yup - typical Watchtower: blame it publicly on Aristotle, the Egyptians, and the Babylonians. With not a word on why NO OTHER RATIONAL RELIGION OF 1971 WOULD TEACH SUCH NONSENSE.
I never believed that the early Christian congregation had a body of elders and a Presiding Overseer.
I never believed that the early Christian congregation had a body of elders and a Presiding Overseer.
Come to think of it, they even claimed the early Christian congregation practiced a "rotation of elders". (later they quit doing this) But they came up with some bogus BS about that being in the bible, too...
I had a hard time believing that the only spirit anointed people in my congregation were the child molester and the mentally ill, fibromyalgia sister
"I had a hard time believing that the only spirit anointed people in my congregation were the child molester and the mentally ill, fibromyalgia sister"
In my Hall, it was the old geezer who had been married 4 times, and the mentally ill sister with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Simple .... 1914
Never got it, never understood why they said it, and never believed it. I just taught it, as I was supposed too. Which is a huge lesson in how you should not raise your children to accept everything without proof.