Jehovah Bled For YOU - To Receive YOUR Punishment (the wages of sin)

by Perry 96 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • villabolo


    Christians have first hand, primary source testimony that Jesus is alive, and lives within them.

    Egocentric, "ours is the only experience that counts" arrogance. Members of other religions experience epiphanies just like "born again" Christians.

    You have evidence that God doesn't exist?

    As I said on a previous post, we don't have a burden of proof. Proving that God exists is as absurd as proving that fairies exist. Your response to that, I recall was tht there were more blievers in your God than in fairies. That's "fleshly thining. They type of thinking that says, "How can millions be wrong?"

    Well Perry, I've got news for you. Umpteen billion people or 100% of the populaion do not have the power to make the unreal real.

    What about your own violations of character that you have agreed to try to live by?

    Nobody said that we were perfect. Maybe some neurotics with OCPD may come close. In any case, we do the best we can to overcome such faults. No one, God or otherwise is going to do the job for us. So we acknowledge our imperfection but without the magical thinking or arrogance of believing that we are redeemed merely by an act of submission to any God.

    would you agree to allow an all-knowing God judge you according to your own standards instead of his?

    As an atheist, I have followed many Biblical commands more thoroughly than many Christians. But that doesn't mean anything to "born again" Christians who, despite their claims of superior morality, don't give and Eden's fig leaf for non-Christian's morality. Even when it's equivalent or superior to theirs.

    In your minds, so long as you perform the right ritual, anything will be forgiven. "Born again" Christians are precisely like the Pharisees, except that their rituals are non physical. Just mental (Or "spiritual" as you would prefer to call it.).


  • DagothUr

    "Born again Christians"??? Does this mean they get to know their mothers twice?

  • Heaven

    No morality, no sin.

    Then why do the other creatures and life forms on this Earth die? The Bible says death comes because of sin. So that must mean the other creatures have sinned or they wouldn't die.

  • Satanus

    Well, if jehovah paid my taxes, then he'ld have my attention. Until then, all this blood talk is just vibrations in the air, or the electromagnetic field, or whatever.


  • Satanus

    Seeing his successful business past, perry is a bean counter. Bean counting is what left brained individuals are good at, numbers and analytics. His god is also in this image. He is a left brained bean counter. Far be it from him to forgive. He merely counts and measures. He wieghs things on his scales. If they balance, the deal is done. See how left brained gods are created in their left brained worshippers' images?


  • Satanus

    One day, when he was comparing his beans on his balance sheet, the great bean counter in the sky found one bean to be missing. What to do? This was a serious breach of protocol. Finally, he came up w a masterful plan, one to match his superlative standards: he would kill himself in order to win back his missing bean.

    This brings up a number of questions. The great bean counter has millions of beans. Why can he not just let the one bean go off on it's own? It can sprout, grow and flourish under the universal sunshine, living quite happily on its own. The bean counter can still see it every day, and love it, even though it's not on his balance sheet, anymore.

    Also, not all beans are the same. Well actually, all his beans were the same, until this one been. It was different. Could not the great bean counter rest in the company of all his myriads on duplicate beans? Could he not let this one little bean go on its own way w his blessing?

    No, his frustration was so great, he so wanted to kill because of the missing bean, kill anything, even himself. He had to do something. He had to show them.


  • Satanus

    Now, i am going to have some beer to fortify myself for the next installment of my skillful analysis.


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