Hey Finally Free - can I come celebrate with you this year? I'll bring some of my homemade fermented horseradish - it's the best!
Sounds good to me! I've been on a horseradish binge for the last month. Can't seem to get enough of it.
by sd-7 30 Replies latest jw friends
Hey Finally Free - can I come celebrate with you this year? I'll bring some of my homemade fermented horseradish - it's the best!
Sounds good to me! I've been on a horseradish binge for the last month. Can't seem to get enough of it.
Ha I loved it! Very nicely written. NLW and I were thinking about having a party on memorial day to celebrate not going. hehe
NLW's wife
Funny thread!
I'll tip a 40 of chocolate milk in honor of your first year freedom. Cheers!
Your song is hilarious! Love the Pop Tart-ed bread. Congrats on your freedom.
Sorry I forgot today was your first aniversary. That night I missed your call, and we had a rushed conversation seems so far off in the distance. I guess that's because you've come such a long way. And you have so much more ahead of you..in your own time, dear heart, in your own time.
Your song IS GREAT! You have a real talent my friend.
I'm a heretic. I do the Toaster Strudel.
Mad Sweeney: Pleeeease stop! Me and my friends got into a facebook debate about poptarts VS toaster strudels a few weeks ago. Have you ever notice that Poptarts never say anything bad about TS, but TS always have something bad to say about poptarts? lol just an observation.
Some have chosen to use Toaster Strudels in their observation of the Memorial of Freedom. Is this an acceptable alternative?
Yes. The entire point of the Memorial of Freedom is, not the emblems themselves, but what they represent--the body of one not attending the Kingdom Hall and the quenching of thirst that no longer requires a Kingdom Hall water fountain during the singing of the song. If it were restricted to chocolate milk and Pop Tarts for each individual, would that not be a restriction of freedom, rather than a memorializing of it?
Sd-7 has chosen Pop Tarts, to suit his personal preferences. Other might use any number of different food items. Some here have mentioned horseradish, or 40 ounces of milk. Each one must settle this in his own mind; sd-7's choice was merely a general guideline.
We hope this has resolved this concern, and wish you warm Skeptnostitian love.
Your Brother,