I don't think we've seen the last of Andrew. . . no promises, but he's still hopping around in my brain wanting his full story told. I feel like I should oblige him.
May 22, 1969 Awake! promises "you will never grow old" - Creative Writing
by Mad Sweeney 78 Replies latest jw friends
Mad Sweeney,
In one word: Excellent!
I a bunch of words: This really nails it. We all know people who are like Andrew. I remember a friend of mine who was an elder and who would be in this age group as he graduated in 1969. He married a sister from the hall and they both wanted children. Of course, it was very unpopular to have children since the end was so close, so they never did. Although he has made a nice career working for his father-in-law, he told me that he and his wife both regret not having children. I'm sure there are thousands and perhaps millions of people with similar stories or can relate.
Of course, to point this out to a JW that they were wrong in saying "You will never fulfill a career" they will just say that they are wrong sometimes. Howver, it has been detrimental to so many witnesses and their families.
TOttallyADD : You will never know how you so encouraged me when I awoke this am.
I have been SO depressed lately,over all the lives that are lost!Japan.Cults,suicides,& I
have new ones coming out calling me...that are so confused.I felt like a Hypocrite telling
them to keep their chin up,when MINE is hanging down. But on reading your post
you made me see ,that my "sin" was listening to the False PRophet. But I was not alone.
If other intelligent folks also listened ,I should stop beating myself up.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!! 3 times for emphasis as I was taught
I REALLY DID Appreciate your remarksGrace Gough
On reading this remark by drew I remembered two very special witnesses in my life that decided to wait till after armageddon to have children.
I a bunch of words: This really nails it. We all know people who are like Andrew. I remember a friend of mine who was an elder and who would be in this age group as he graduated in 1969. He married a sister from the hall and they both wanted children. Of course, it was very unpopular to have children since the end was so close, so they never did. Although he has made a nice career working for his father-in-law, he told me that he and his wife both regret not having children. I'm sure there are thousands and perhaps millions of people with similar stories or can relate. Of course, to point this out to a JW that they were wrong in saying "You will never fulfill a career" they will just say that they are wrong sometimes. Howver, it has been detrimental to so many witnesses and their families.
As far as I can tell from reading if you die and are resurrected you can't have any children? That is what I get from their literature anyway. So I wonder if they knew this back in the 60's or did they just make this promise and not tell them the rest? Anyway they decided to wait and now the husband is deceased. So what happens to their dreams to have children..? Heartbreaking stories like this come back to my mind and like Grace I too feel a deep sadness over their loss and so many others that listened to the WTBTS.. ( and many that still do).
Thank you for posting the Awake article and reminding us just what foolishness we all listened to (and believed) in the 60's..
Mad Sweeney,
The Awake article you copied should silence the 1975 deniers who think the problem was with individual JWs who ran ahead of Jehovah and his organization in their expectations. Unfortunately, it won't. In fact, they think Andrew has made the best choice possible.
To continue your story, fast forward to today, where Andrew is very excited about the Japanese tsunami, the Middle East turmoil, rising gas prices, increasing unemployment, and the stock market downturns.
Awake does a feature article on Andrew, lauding his dedication to Jehovah and explaining why he is better off than worldly people his age who wasted their lives on earthly careers and families.
Inspired by the latest platform talk about the imminence of Armageddon, Andrew cuts back his work hours this month and hobbles out to do extra FS because the new system is almost here and he wants to make sure he endures to the end and proves worthy.
@Ding = The Awake article you copied should silence the 1975 deniers who think the problem was with individual JWs who ran ahead of Jehovah and his organization in their expectations. Unfortunately, it won't.
You speak the truth my friend!
Mrs Punk is still: 'Oh, well that was a long time ago. the light gets brighter. they're just imperfect men doing their best. they tell the truth not like false religion with it's lies!'
Mrs Punk is evidence of the WTB$ self regulating mind control.
Have Mrs. Punk wear a placard at the next assembly that reads: "The GB are just imperfect men doing their best."
See what happens.
@Ding = Have Mrs. Punk wear a placard at the next assembly that reads: "The GB are just imperfect men doing their best." See what happens
The words 'pigeons' 'amongst' and 'cat' spring to mind. The only thing apart from 'meeting clothes' she wears to a$$embĀ£ies is a 'frown'.
She's as miserable as sin going to meetings. She says it's because me (former elder), won't go with her and the others gossip about her.
Oh, sorry....................''they're just imperfect and doing their best'!
I just don't get it!