May 22, 1969 Awake! promises "you will never grow old" - Creative Writing

by Mad Sweeney 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy


  • Snoozy

    That's the answer I got when talking with a witness(in Australia) on my facebook . We were discussing the Child abuse issue and I quoted how they did not report it unless the law demanded it..she announced that they did have a talk at her KH on how the authorities should report it even if the law doesn't require it..the speaker giving the talk, his daughter was molested! I told her that was not the rule but the exception, she then said:

    The GB are just imperfect men doing their best."
  • TotallyADD

    Thank you Grace. Both my wife and I love what you are doing to help others get past this cult. Despite the 1969 Awake promise we will live another day to let others know the truth. Take care. Totally ADD

  • mouthy

    Tottaly & Wife Thanks

  • PublishingCult

    My brother, one of the thousands who grew up in the organization of JW's who was promised that he would never grow old in this system of things. He was highly intelligent, but shunned higher education to serve as a pioneer.

    He was baptized at 15 years old, confident that he could hold out and be faithful to the Watchtower Society for "just a little while longer", plagued by the shame and guilt of his innate homosexuality, hoping that the new system would come soon, as they said it would, and overcome what he was taught was a terrible sinful state.

    He died at 44 from heart failure, a broken, sad, disappointed man, still relatively young with many good years ahead still. He turned to drugs to deal with the self-loathing inflicted upon him by the WTBTS. He was never able to reconcile his inner conflict and belief that homosexuality was wickedness, and turned it all inward.

    The new system never came as promised. He prayed intensely that Jehovah would help him be strong until the end, but Jehovah never lifted an ounce of the burden He himself had put upon my brother.

    This is just one story of how WT lies destroy lives.

  • wasblind

    ((((((( PublishingCult )))))))

  • miseryloveselders

    Publishing Cult, I'm sorry man. You know it hits home harder when there's pictures to relate to.

  • AudeSapere

    Mad Sweeney - I think the ending is good as it is. Maybe the sigh could be deeper and maybe he struggles with arthritic knees as he gets up from his chair.

    A follow up could reveal the he did marry early because he wanted to have sex. The marriage was rocky for a few years but they found a way to make it work, although after the first 6 months there was not much passion. They never had children because that would take away from spiritual interests. Besides, they were having enough trouble making ends meet as it was. A child would just be too expensive in this system. In the new system, the child would have a much happier life than anything they could offer in the old system. Andrew's arthritis is now getting worse but he cannot afford the time off for surgery. And his insurance is not that good. Eventually his wife has some health issues and he struggles to do the right thing to help her. Someone in the cong sends a casserole but not much more assistance is provided. When she recovers, Andrew has a heart attack. There is even less help. And since they have no children to assist them in their old age - and they did not really make friends with their neighbors - they struggle even further to cope with daily stresses. His wife hires one of the young men in the cong to help with the business and offers free room and board in exchange for his working the flooring machines. They give him a monthly stipend. This young man is 20 years old and anxiously waiting for this system to end. The assembly drama warns him of the dangers of college education. And the story repeats. Or does it???

    Enjoyed the story. It's sad but true.


  • Ding


    What does your wife reply if you say, "I'm just an imperfect man trying to do my best too"?

  • beksbks

    (((((Pub C)))))

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