Are women more spiritual then men?

by jam 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • jam

    Before you women jump all over me, this is just A observation.

    First of all at least in this country women out number men in religion,

    across the board,(JW,s,Baptist, Catholic etc.) You walk in any church

    and the women out number the men, why. A book (bible) that make

    women second class don,t you think that,s strange. And this book

    blame women for the pickle we are in today. (Eve)

    I remerber A quote, Men think in terms of logic, women (not sure)

    with they heart..How many single men will you see in the churches,

    but the women, they are there.

  • cyberjesus

    Women are more inclined to supertition and fantasy than men. That explains it all..... Zodic, religion, soap operas, fairy tales, etc etc etc

  • Finally-Free
    How many single men will you see in the churches, but the women, they are there.

    *note to self: go to church to pick up chicks.

    I remember the meetings at the hall. The women were taking notes and the men were snoozing.


  • jam

    cyberjesus; Man they will jump all over your butt, Iam glad you said it

    not me...

  • miseryloveselders

    LOL CyberJesus.....countdown to JWN Estrogen Induced Armageddon..........10, 9, 8,

    Ya know though, he may actually have an valid point with that. I've never really given it much thought before. Women do like all that fantasy bull crap, dont they? They like Teddy Bears that aren't alive. I'm like its a friggin plush doll with cotton in the insides, and was made in Taiwan. Yet they hug it and sleep with it, and go, "awwww." WTF? Its not real, not alive. They do get all caught up over characters in books, television, and movies. Some of the characters they like are played by actors that don't even like girls, they date other men. Yet women are like, "awwwww." Effed up gender.

  • TD

    Study after study after study has confirmed that women are more religious than men.

    Another way to look at it is men are less religious than women.

    Nobody is really sure why although there are lots of theories. The root cause could be similar to the reasons why men as a group don't enjoy formal situations, like dancing in public or the western wedding ceremony as much as women as a group do. Or it could be related to our respective views of the future and approach to long term goals

    At any rate it's probably wrong to turn the phenomen into something uncomplimentary to either sex.

  • tec

    Yeah, women like all that fantasy bullcrap. Not men though. They don't like those online fantasy war games. Maybe those are educational? Or all those WoW games, or men living in mom's basements, or anything like that? Or their toys - you know, dirtbikes, atvs, harleys, etc, etc - you know, the important things in life?

    And they certainly NEVER played with dolls as kids... those were 'action figures'.


    Anyway... I don't think women are more spiritual than men. I think that's a stereotype we're all guilty of feeding into. Think Buddhist and Shaolin monks; think Muslim humility toward Allah. (not the extremists, though them as well somewhat)

    (Just ragging on you, Miz and CJ... even though what I wrote is true )


  • miseryloveselders

    Touche', Touche.......excuse as I acknowledge my own short sighted views, and read through the latest Transformer comic book...........

  • jam

    Wow, Miz and CJ, Iam going to sit back and watch how you guys

    will get out of this..Iam married to one and I have to eat and sleep

    tonite. No shame in my game..

  • Robdar

    Naw, men don't like fantasy. That's why the porn industry is about to go broke.

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