For women, the power structure is a fool's bargain.
Why buy in?
Why accept the one-size-fits-all pronouncements of male-dominated power structure?
Women do more meaningful work in creating society than men ever will.
They nourish, nurture and inform the next generation which will, one day, rule the world one generation at a time.
It is women who have seen the advantage is rejecting the STRUCTURE of RELIGION as a boiler plate mission statement.
"Men are this; women are that and you can't change it." This doesn't work for a great many women in the West.
Women have taken the next step in the evolution of enlightenment: they pick and chose what works from ALL faiths.
They have created a custom-made interface with the meaning of life which may or may not include specific Worship.
This is SPIRITUALITY for them.
I will make enemies by using pejorative definitions of this new level of awareness, I know and realize.
It is an uphill battle getting anybody to question their own hard-won victories.
But, really--SPIRITUALITY is not the goal you have been seeking as women. It is a TRAP!
It is not the connection with nature, God or "meaning" that makes you whole.
It is your OWN INDIVIDUALITY, instead.
By throwing off the neediness of the "other".... women can finally reach the highest level of existence and achievement.
There would be no humanity without women. Why? They CREATE it and always have!
But, the level of confidence has been weak.
Men can physically dominate them. It is only a step further for men to dominate their self-evaluation or self-image.
Men have used RELIGION and religious definitions of women to belittle and CONTROL.
SPIRITUALITY has been a step away from man-defined instutions of control.
But--the FINAL STEP is missing.............self-empowerment without having to resort to superstions, mythologies, magic or wishful thinking.
Because men have stake out religion and provided all the definitions of what IS and what ISN'T acceptable.
When you use religious terminology men have you beaten in advance.
God is forever defined as male.
His rules. (Really it is men stacking the deck in their favor.)
Women are NOT permitted inside to teach.
It is sexual Apartheid!
Don't buy in!!!