Are women more spiritual then men?

by jam 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Interesting to see a man tell women how they are supposed to think.

  • Satanus

    'But, really--SPIRITUALITY is not the goal you have been seeking as women. It is a TRAP!

    It is not the connection with nature, God or "meaning" that makes you whole.

    It is your OWN INDIVIDUALITY, instead.'

    Don't know about women. But, for me, spirituality is an internal thing. The deeper i go, the more unity i feel. The more unity i feel, the more i feel connected to everything. Like a spider sitting in the middle of it's web. It feels everything in the whole web. Yet, it doesn't reach out to something out there (as i was taught about biblegod as a jw). It merely pays attention to it's own sense of touch. And, it's all, totally natural. Same w spirituality, for me, at least.


  • Heaven

    Some of my most Spiritual experiences have been with the other non-human species that inhabit this planet. I see Spirituality as a receiving and a giving in many forms. It is interconnected with the other human needs of Physical - To Live, Emotional - To Love, and Mental - To Learn. Many have become 'disconnected' from their true selves and the world around them.

    A part of Spirituality it is to take in energies, process them, and return them back into the world in order to improve things; to make a positive impact. I think one of the most important aspects of this is to accomplish this process with an intake of negative energies and an output of positive ones. I have done this on a limited basis but need to become more knowledgable and proficient at how to efficiently and effectively accomplish this. Especially since my childhood was a JW influenced one, I am finding that people who cling to fatalistic and negative type ideals do not and will not accept nor become educated in ways to accomplish this task or set of tasks to achieve a goal of positive results. A closed mind cannot change things for the better.

  • Murray Smith
    Murray Smith

    Women do more meaningful work in creating society than men ever will.

    They nourish, nurture and inform the next generation which will, one day, rule the world one generation at a time.

    Terry . . .

    Why then do we have a "male-dominated power structure"? . . . . just asking

  • Curtains

    murray smith

    good question

  • Terry

    Terry . . .

    Why then do we have a "male-dominated power structure"? . . . . just asking


    Religion has largely played the strongest role in defining away women's equality which includes teaching men and leading the society.

    To men, women are a dangerous necessity. Unenlightened men, that is.

    The necessity of pointing to a "higher power" who demands that men should lead has been a subterfuge societally.

    The poor accomodating husband can shrug his shoulders and say sheepishly, "Sorry honey, that's how God wants it. I'M THE HEAD."

    Beware the men who actually believe this nonsense!

    Jealous, ignorant males in many societies have created customs to marginalize women under the cover of "Divine" instruction.

    The Muslim women are said to be "protected" by being covered head to foot and kept inside the home. It is for their "own good."

    Should they dispute they can be killed or have their nose cut off. Charming.

    In democratic society the gradual erosion of man's delusional superiority has become more and more evident.

    There have been man female rulers throughout history. Many great and powerful leaders.

    Watch out in America, however!

    We are a Puritanical society at our roots and core.

    Any women with outstanding ability will immediately be targeted for quick destruction.

    Hillary Clinton is among the most hated women among Evangelicals and Conservatives.

    Sarah Palin has been viciously attacked in a relentless campaign to obliterate her from public service.


    The "actual" person is demolished in the eyes of other women. The Straw Man is erected in her place.

    WOMEN HAVE ALLOWED THEMSELVES TO BE MANIPULATED into simplistic straw man arguments so that

    the REAL issues are never debated.

    Unless and until women step back and refuse to allow men to ESTABLISH A FALSE CONTEXT they will never be

    equal in power in the public institutions.

  • Terry

    Sylvia Browne, Rhonda Byrne, Beth Moore, Joyce Meyer, romance novels, astrology, ESP, Fung Shui, are equal elements

    in DESTROYING the ability of women to possess a reality based personal Philosophy.

    If you can't think clearly and reason with facts in a flesh and blood universe---how are you going to become substantial leaders that people

    take seriously?

    Not all women embrace the above--but, enough do to make them highly vulnerable to manipulation.

    Religion and fluffy philosophy do more damage to women than any other aspect of their daily lives.

    Spirituality is like delcious chocolate for them.

    Spirituality is superstition. Superstition is for the ignorant.

    Women are smarter than men----BUT ONLY IF THEY USE IT with reality and rational thinking.

    How else can you explain how ridiculously women are manipulated into thinking HOW THEY LOOK is the most important

    aspect of their existence?


    These are obsession merely because women have bought the lie: they are only as valuable as their APPEARANCE.

    You have to be a fool to buy in to this.

    Women cannot lead when they are being fooled.

  • trevor

    Sprituality has been equaly demonstrated in both men and women. The western preference for male dominated religion is recent and doomed to pass away in time.

    Spirituality does not require belief in a god but acceptance that the universe is not fully invested in our our tiny human bodies. This thing is bigger than us!

  • Violia


    Women have been oppressed by men for thousands of years. They are told from childhood that they are only as good as how they look.

    I could not even begin to say it better than Rodney Cowell.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    How else can you explain how ridiculously women are manipulated into thinking HOW THEY LOOK is the most important

    aspect of their existence?


    These are obsession merely because women have bought the lie: they are only as valuable as their APPEARANCE.

    Is that why the guys on this forum only lust after the hot female posters?

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