Best way to step down from being a servant

by RayPublisher 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Just dont do (or report) any ministry for 3 straight months and they will kick you straight off ALL "assignments" inc mic handling, prayer, reading etc on top of your MS position.... Quick and painless, no telling porkies involved. Just a thought....

  • Loyal Infidel
    Loyal Infidel

    Definitely never admit to doubts. You'll be marked and considered a threat to the cong. One suggestion that haven't been brought up is to tell them that you've change employment to law enforcement. Doesn't have to be uniform. Many federal jobs, depending on the agency, require carrying a gun. Notice i said "tell them" as opposed to actually becoming an officer. Its not as if you must provide proof of employment to any of the elders nor should you be ever forced to provide them with proof. They'll have no choice but to take you at your word. They'd be dissapointed and try to dissuade you but just state that after careful study of the scriptures, that your bible trained conscience has allowed you to make such a decision. You would then lose any "special priviledges" like the ability to aux pioneer, carry mics, give #4 talks, etc. The only way this doesn't work is if your wife dimes you out to the elders body. Then you're f@#ked.

  • itsbeenalongtime

    I would would just sit with an elder and explin that things are getting to be to much and you want to put your family first. Tell him you feel that you feel you are getting to strerssed out and need a short break.... if you act like you just need a breather then they will understand and think it will just pass. It will also make you loook better if you say things like "its better for the congergation an dmy family"

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Tell them you are trading in your 4-door sedan for a 2-door convertible.

    Tell them you've become a football/NASCAR/baseball/soccer/golf addict and all of the best shows are on Sundays, all day. Your only hope is to go to an expensive psychiatrist - but you have no money because you also have a gambling addiction.

    Tell them you have to go back to school (junior college or trade school, of course) to learn computer technology, Internet and website design. You have to go to class on Ministry School meeting nights and study and work on your computer on the weekends.

    Tell them that you have piles (hemmorhoids) and can't sit through meetings any more because they've (both the piles and the meetings) become a "pain in the ass."

    Tell them you can't go door to door because you have gout and Morton's neuroma (a very painful nerve mass in the foot), so the only "witnessing" you can do is on Facebook, Topix, and Yahoo!Answers.

    Tell them you've recently realized that you've become one of the "anointed." Jehovah's "holy spirit" speaks to you directly since you've become a member of the "faithful and discreet slave" class. (Wait for their answer on this one: Will it be "only the Governing Body members are the FDS"?)

    Grow a mustache or beard. Wear a pony-tail.

    Start wearing plaid shirts with striped ties to meetings.

    Wear mismatched suit pants and jackets with white socks and running shoes (the Morton's neuroma thingy acting up).

    Come in five minutes late to every meeting, and then get up and leave five minutes early.

    Hope one of my suggestions helps...


  • cyberjesus

    tell them you are being stumbled by one of the elders, but you prefer not to say anything at this moment since it doesnt involve any serious wrongdoing.

  • punkofnice

    I'm a real stiff upper lip stubborn Brit. After I stepped down as an elder to 'concentrate on my family' I just stopped going to meetings cold turkey.

    I announced to my family the watchtower was a dangerous cult. My wife and daughter became ultra zealous. We nearly got divorced but things are back on track. I told the elders to stay away from me they have no authority over me and I do not recognize their right to meddle in my life.

    No one really knows what to make of me. When I see Dubbies up town or wherever I give a cheery smile and wave. They really look afraid of me.

    A bro saw me in a restaurant with my family and came over with a doleful look thinking I must be depressed or stumbled.

    He put his hand on me and asked : 'How are you mate?'

    Me: 'Abolutely brilliant. I never felt better thanks. Life is really good!'

    He looked surprised and inched out of the door! RESULT.

    We're not all 'Captain Hurricane' I know.........just sayin' sometimes being up front is better.

    A friend once said that those friends who truly love you will stick with you thru' thick'n'thin and those who leave you 'condittionally' are not worth spit in the first place.

    I appreciate you may have tender issues though so this approach wouldn't work for you.

  • Giordano

    Juan....out loud laughing and I snorted once or twice. Cyper Jesus blame it on an unnamed Elder thats great! Create a new target and doubt. Misdirection at it's finest. Lets not play poker.

    A simple idea to give you time Ray, get a doctors appointment for a check up, if your blood pressure is up a little or you can get your pressure to go up (run up and down the stairs etc. before the exam) ask for a really cheap mild perscription. Tell the wife and elders you need to lower your blood pressure so your going to take some down time. Put the bottle in the bathroom and once a day flush a pill away. Refill as long as needed. You might want to tell your Doc that under no conditions let your wife know because she will worry too much.

    Tell the Elders your Doctor mentioned the possibility of a STROKE if you don't cut back.........but not to mention that to your wife because she will worry too much. Now you've closed both doors. Relax and plan your fade.

    P.S. Depending on your complexion bend over and tie your shoelaces before entering the KH and always when using the KM bathroom. A little rosy glow on your cheecks will help remind everone that you've got a serious condition.

  • AudeSapere

    Depression and anxiety. Tell your wife and friends that you have headaches before the meetings. Arrive a little late, leave a little early and cut back on field service. Fake some hours, too if you want to fade slowly.

    Work on your marriage - and actually *do* some fun stuff with your wife. Maybe keep up a family study - but consider just reading the bible.

    If you have children - start doing more fun things with them. A weekly family hike. Just make sure that the activities don't put *more* pressure on your wife.

    Take a class. Maybe it's something related to work. Some companies will even reimburse tuition and book costs. Or take any class that you are interested - but tell people it's for work. Or that you are working on a degree (if you don't already have an advanced degree). I read here somewhere that if a servant's children were going to college (or that a servant was encouraging others to go to college), it was grounds for removal. I would imagine if the servant himself was attending... He would likely be expected to 'step aside' or be removed.

    I agree with the others about expressing doubts. Don't do it. It will cause more troubles than it solves.


  • Iamallcool

    if you dare, tell them you have a masturbation problem.

  • PublishingCult

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