Best way to step down from being a servant

by RayPublisher 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RayPublisher

    @Billy - good point. I am trying to keep things friendly because I don't want to arouse any more suspicion plus out of respect for my (still asleep) wife as she is aware of my activity and that I am *sorta* apostate in my thinking according to the WTS.

    Nice "hostage negotiation line" though, I'll use that if need be :-)

    @Mr flipper - hindsight is 20/20 as they say. Plus I can honestly say that I felt like I encouraged a lot of the friends w talks, being balanced, etc. and not worshipping the Org as some do. As usual, the best always leave first lol.

  • zengalileo

    Hi, I haven't posted here in a really long time, but I love this thread. I can tell you that if you give them reason they will come after you with both barrels. They did me anyway. It sounds like you are doing everything I could think of intuitively to make it a long, slow fade. Concentrating on the family, financial burdens/materialism, health, depression are all pretty good reasons for a fade and stepping down. Just don'y confess to any wrongdoing, even if it was a long time in the past, cuz they'll deal with that and it'll just cost you an enormous amount of time.

    I was just thinking too, how, being a Ministerial Servant is like a non-position. You can pass the mics now. Big Deal! Parking lot attendant. Take the count at the start of the service meeting. Give an occasional Instruction talk or Service meeting part. It is still considered a Non-Teaching appointment. You are just a servant. It takes years to become one, and it is a big deal to step down from what I am hearing. But it's a non-job as far as I am concerned.

    But if you are single and not an MS, it's hard to get a wife. Good luck with the fade.

  • zengalileo

    I know I haven't read this entire thread, but I didn't see exactly why you felt you needed to write a letter at all. Wouldn't just getting really low (or none at all) field service hours be enough for them to eventually ask you to step down or delete you, whatever the case?

    Also, I don't know If anyone hit on this point, but when you change congregations, you are not automatically re-appointed. I was a servant in one congregation, El Monte Cogswell, but when I moved to the Beverly Hills Congregation it took a while to get some kind of letter from the previous hall to RECCOMMEND that I be considered as an MS. It still had to be agreed upon by the new hall. So, when I moved to BH, although I wasn't reappointed right away, they were already giving me service meeting parts. But for some reason the old hall took a long time to send the rec. By the time they were ready to announce my reappontment at the new hall, I approached an elder with a private problem I was having. So, they decided to not reappoint me an MS, but no announcement or letter of any kind was necessary or ever made. I ended up moving again soon after, and then no trace of me being an MS was ever brought up again.

    So, that's just my personal experience. I know it doesn't always work out the same in every hall.

  • MrDarkKnight

    Ray Publisher - The pool of Ministerial Servants is VERY LOW compared to years ago. This was mentioned at the last Elders school. If the number of servants continues to drop their will be qualified brothers to become elders. It will become more and more difficult to sustain the number of congregations and they will have to be dissolved as they have been in New York City for the last 10 years. This is why they are making all this effort. It has nothing to do with you. It has everything with keeping the mothership afloat.

    Fade on brother.

  • RayPublisher

    @zengalileo - Yeah moving was not an option- that would have been the preferred method but wifey didn't want to go for it so I said fine.

    @MrDarkKnight - The waning MS population is ongoing and will only trickle up to the elders #s in the future. They have raised the bar to qualify much higher over the last 10-15 years than it used to be. Will they lower it back? Or do they want "quality" or quantity?

    Anyway it will be announced soon but *still* hasn't been. I've told the handful of friends in our KH that I am stepping down so I am fine and feeling a little lighter each day.

  • Midget-Sasquatch

    From personal experience as a ministerial servant, there's never a quick clean way of leaving the job except by moving away. They need to keep worker bees. If you want to give a letter they'll try to focus on how they can help you stay on.

    Initially, moving wasn't feasible for me when I was serving, so I basically just slacked off. They kept me on for quite some time though. I'm sure because nobody else wanted to do the accounts. They overlooked the fact that I never auxillary pioneered or stepped up for campaigns etc.

    Since the whole sham is about keeping in the drones and keeping up numbers, you'll have to be substantially less than the congregation average for field service. Up to you how close to inactive you think you can get before it upsets family.

    Again by experience: even with a combo of ~ 6 hrs per month and missing about half of the meetings ( in particular ones where you have parts), that'll get noticed. People will talk like they always do. The BOE will have to "delete" you, if you do that for a period of time spanning at least 2 CO visits. You're not helping with the load.

    Be prepared for about 3/4 of the self righteous dubs to treat you like you were marked when they make the announcement. \

    After that just move from congregation to congregation for different meetings (sporadically) and the fading should be on its way so long as you don't have persistent family nagging you.

  • RayPublisher

    @MS - thanks for points and sharing your experience you are right on the money. Movng wasn't an option wife said she didn't want to uproot the kids, etc. Then last week she says, "Maybe we should switch KHs?" And I'm like WTH now you are saying this? But she was mostly just thinking out loud.

    UPDATE- Well I have told nearly all the people I care about over the last two weeks. Everyone was very good about it, but a couple were a little "too disappointed", telling me I am the best speaker in the Hall, we can't afford to lose you, etc. but then they backed off and calmed down.

    It was announced last night- but it was a bit weird because we had two new appointments... [applause] and then the COBE goes, "...And we have one deletion... *pause* ...Brother [RayPublisher]..."

    Once the CO signed off on it (our CO visit ended exactly 1 week ago) our COBE got the response back on the site he told me that before they announced it last night.

    So whatever, it's over thank-you-Jee-Sus!

    But now I have the "power of the publisher" lol I actually told that to one of the elders and he laughed because now I have to be treated tenderly as a little sheep lol. Am gonna keep up meetings about 75% I figure for awhile and even give a stray #3 talk here and there. They want me to do microphones again *yeah right* I don't think I will I didn't say no and the schedule is way out by several months. I'm learning to say a lot less about things and just nod my head more.

    Until I don't want to do something and then I just say "I'm not in a position to do that right now sorry."

    So now I guess I need to start a new thread about the slo-mo fade...although there is probably at least 1,682 previous threads on that one and Blondie will no doubt post a friendly reminder of such when she has time LOL

  • OnTheWayOut

    Congratulations on being "removed" as an MS. Nobody quits as they have to approve your "stepping down." (What a joke.)

    As far as the fade goes, make sure to advance the fade. Set goals. Miss so many meetings, then after several months (or less), start missing even more. Get those field service hours down to 1-per-month. Consider even saying you had ZERO one month so they can say that makes you "irregular."

  • MrDarkKnight

    Raypublisher - You will be all right. Just do YOUR thing baby.

  • RayPublisher

    @OTWO - Thank you bro. I have been defrocked! Yes the collapsing bell-curve fading style is recommended. I think I read about it on another thread from 8.3 years ago but progressive light has caused me to re-examine that method and now reject it as the teachings of men.

    @MrDarkKnight - you are so right I'm gonna get me an edumacation sumday right now!

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