Best way to step down from being a servant

by RayPublisher 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    Get pissed off and stumbled over what someone else does or says, then just decide you need a break from the responsbility, and sit back until Jehovah resolves the matter (which could be generations).

  • moshe

    One way is for the elders to get the idea first!- change your wardrobe and act like a buffoon- they can't use you, if you aren't a cookie cutter JW- and practice this look, it will help.

  • jam

    moshe; My side hurts.. That,s funny

  • watson

    Hey Ray, have I seen you perform in one of the dramas?

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    @ RayPublisher - At the following link, here is a little bit of how it went for mem and what I said when I resigned:

    So far I haven't been bothered much by any of the elders, despite seriously cutting back on my activity. But hopefully you can get an idea of what to possibly expect.


  • mamalove

    Dont give much info. Volunteer little. Just say something to the effect of "I want to be deleted as a MS. It is not the right thing for me to be doing, and I do not want this title or responsiblity anymore." If they press and say why, we need a reason, say no you don't. Please do not pry into my life. If you had to give something, I would say you need to devote as much time to your family as possible. Just be firm and insistent.

  • willyloman

    You've gotten a lot of advice here, some of it frivolous (but funny!), some of it pretty good (e.g.. see Sir82's comment).

    The bottom line is, you do what works for you.

    You're a MS so you're not a newbie. You've seen other people do it. You can judge the potential reaction of your BOE. Your own experience will point you in the right direction. Make a plan, and work the plan.

  • NomadSoul

    How about growing some balls and getting your life back! eh!

  • WontLeave

    I know from personal experience, elders get very suspicious when you don't want their "privileges" and from that point on, you will constantly be under a microscope and in their crosshairs, while they drool with anticipation of finding some reason they can extrapolate into some wrongdoing. Don't be surprised if you go from JW poster child to complete pariah in a matter of months.

    Also, once there's blood in the water, the other JWs (mostly women) will start a parade to the elders about how you've "stumbled" them with things you say or do. Everything will be taken out of context and 'paraphrased'. You'll never be told who the gossips and backstabbers are, but you'll probably have a good idea. I suggest avoiding as much contact with them as possible, as they will turn on you in a heartbeat.

  • RayPublisher

    JW GoneBad- Good advice thank you. I am in control, yes.

    jam- Have considered that and it may work. I will keep you posted.

    watson- I was a drama major in college, so yes, probably, lol. But seriously, I have been a "high profile JW" in a number of ways over the years so I am well known....oi!

    mamalove- I like that idea in theory, to just say "I dont' want to be an MS, end of story"...But if they don't get an answer from me then they will start asking the wife why and I DON'T want them to go there...she may tell them under pressure of my "apostate leanings".

    willyloman- Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will work the plan, yes that's my style too...

    WontLeave- Yeah I've seen that so I'll be careful. It's not that bad in this cong although others are like that, so it is good to prepared for the worse.

    I am thinking at this point that I will go with a plan along these lines:

    1. Ask to meet with the body
    2. Read them a brief letter with the following wording-

    "Dear Brothers
    My wife and I have been having some marital problems over the last several months. We are seeking marriage counseling through my insurance. It has led me to feel very depressed and is affecting my health quite a bit. At meetings I put on a happy face but I am no longer qualified to serve. Please know that after much prayer and reflection my decision to step down as a servant is hereby submitted to you. I ask that this take place immediately.

    Please keep me in your prayers, and allow me to concentrate on working with my wife on our marriage. It has been an honor to have served with you brothers.


    My goal is to step down without them grilling me or my wife too much, and also in such a way that they will not want to come over and "help us" too much. If they want to make shepherding visits I am not sure how to get out of those though. We will see...

    This will be followed by an immediate fade. I cannot start this process until early summer due to some family obligations so I have some time which is why I am planning now. Thank you all for the good comments. To those of you that are wise-a$$ ba$tards, thank you for the laughs.

    I don't take myself too seriously, even when my life is in shambles and my future is uncertain, lol. Gee, what a good example I am...

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