looky looky - A 'real' J-dub forum! (are they becoming normal???)

by Reality79 164 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    aww shit!

    This is a site for discussion, and not debate. Therefore, your goal in contributing to a topic should be to build up your brothers and sisters, or share something of interest that may consist of news or wholesome entertainment.

    i just threw up on my keyboard...


  • RayPublisher


    You make some good points actually. I appreciate what you are saying and it's your right to feel the way you do.

    But that's a lot of anger to carry man. It ain't healthy IMO... (Proverbs 17:22)

  • NomadSoul

    I checked out the Facebook Page.

    That's funny stuff.

  • RayPublisher

    Here's the new user sign up page. It's loooong.


  • ziddina

    Ah, RayPublisher, if you successfully:

    "I signed up and became a member of the site recently, to see what was going on. ..."

    Then you have a VERY intimate knowledge of the minutia of the Watchtower Society's meetings and mentality...

    Which makes me wonder greatly about your next comment...

    "While I am not an apologist for the WTO..."


  • wasblind

    Don't you fret none Skeeter,

    Moshe is a member of the sly, slick, and wicked class

    he accomplished what he set out to do.

    Think about it, they had good reason to boot him off

    they read what he wrote, what's been seen

    can't be unseen

  • designs

    "including apostacy". Now that's a tough one since what was Truth last month could be apostacy this month.....

  • moshe
    , what's been seen can't be unseen

    How right you are wasblind, JWs can try to bury the negative WT stuff, but it just won't stay hidden.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Thing is...How long can a forum thats basically an extention of the KH last?

    Think about it how viable can a message board be were you just spout how great the WT study was *bleech* the fact your following the WT$orders to pioneer for april *bleech* and how you look forward to the end of this wicked system (and the death of Billions.0

    Even when I was a believing dub that shyt got old with me. And if it does take on the traits of a KH how long before clicks develope and the same problems dubs have with people in the hall manifest itself online.

    Actually these idiots online are probably the same ones no one will speek to in the kingdumb halls due to their piety and overall bitch-assed-ness.

  • RayPublisher


    Like many of the thousands on this forum, I am still inside the org, but am looking to make an exit. It is very complicated for some of us to leave, as you may well know due to family, work, and other ties.

    Thank you for your understanding. My posts here are meant to benefit this community and add to the knowledge pool.

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