Did Jehovah really prove his sovreignty?

by keyser soze 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • lovelylil


    I agree with you. The WT put the entire sovereign issue in there to say Jehovah will vindicate his name when his kingdom comes to earth. It is a sham to justify their false gospel which is about the kingdom of God ruling the earth, rather than the person of Christ.

    If someone believes in a God, then how could this God NOT be soveriegn over everything else? I though that was the whole purpose of a God. Peace, Lilly

  • shepherd

    @lifeisgood "I told you not to talk to me. Please respect my wishes."

    This is a public forum. If you don't want to read the posts from a particular user, then just don't. You are not obliged to respond.

    By the way, I totally agree with what you wrote. No parent would do this, and you put it very well, so don't get disturbed when someone presents a lesser reply in the format of a challenge. Just ignore it.

  • lovelylil


    My comment was strictly from a believers perspective. You don't have to agree. Peace, Lilly

  • Satanus


    'If someone believes in a God, then how could this God NOT be soveriegn over everything else? I though that was the whole purpose of a God. Peace, Lilly '

    Well, the biblegod, anyway. There are lots of scenarios that could be imagined where an entity that humans might call a god might have started a reaction that got out of control, or became self perpetuating, that gave rise to the universe. The developing universe then naturally developed to where we are now. The evolution that happened on the surface of a small planet earth is merely a continuation of universal processes. You should read some science fiction. It's a genre that examines things like that.


  • bobld

    NO! God's rulership is autocratic,you accept his decision w/o Q.Much like a Hilter or Gaddafi,only worse because when you die he will resurrect you only to kill you again.See many Bible ex where he killed.

    Just because he give you life he doesn't have the right to take it for not obeying him.Much like a mother giving birth,she has no right to kill the baby.


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