You know what? That was just too long, and I'm saying the same things again and again. How about this: You prove to me that the bible in its modern entirety is inspired scripture.
I'm not sure where to start. I told you several post back I'm not trying to change your mind. I thought we agreed this was God's job?
What I'm trying to understand is how you can claim to be a believer in Christ (GOD) in one breath and reject much of what was revealed about him in another, by simply stating that YOU don't believe that's within his nature.
For example, when I asked for some specific scripture that is of a "different spirit than Christ", you cited (indirectly) types of passages that are intended by God to show the evil nature of men (I believe that is the purpose of the law), not the Spirit of God. I don't understand how revealing the evil nature of man negates the inspiration of scripture.
I agree that eye for an eye is the basis for much law in our society. But why is that relevant? It isn't what Christ taught. He taught us to turn the other cheek. Do not repay wrong for wrong.
An eye for an eye reveals God's justice to unbelievers. God gave the law to Moses for a society of believers and unbelievers alike. Christ comes and reveals the "law of love" (a higher standard) to believers. There is no conflict there, that I can see.
I think you answered your own question in this next example:
Since Luke says in his opening to Theopholus that he had investigated matters fully... this is not indicative of inspiration, but of investigation and report. Do I think he loved Christ and God, and that his faith inspired him to be honest and sincere and to show the fruits of the spirit? Of course. But scripture are writings inspired directly by Holy Spirit, aren't they?
What does the personality and thoughts of the narrator have to do with whether or not he is inspired by God? Was he to give up his mind and personality? It puzzles me to think of why/how anything in Luke's opening statements negates direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Look at what Luke records Jesus saying to the seventy.
Luke 10:16
"The one who listens to you listens to Me, and the one who rejects you rejects Me; and he who rejects Me rejects the One who sent Me."
I'm beginning to think we have two different understandings of biblical inspiration.
It's almost as if you think these men had to become some sort of Zombies to receive prophecy. I don't believe that scripture had to be dictated, like to a secretary, in order for it to be inspired (this seems to be the way most JWs understand it).
The personality of the individual authors was present as they were moved or as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
So then, for me, everything that complies with what he said, I believe that. The rest I take with a grain of salt.
How do you know what he actually said?
The problem you have is, if you don't accept the authority of the entire Bible, you have no way of knowing what Jesus actually said. According to you, the same men that told you what he said, say things themselves that conflict with him. Why believe them at all?
I learned about Christ's teachings from the NT. From the recordings and accounts written about Him. I learn what they mean from Him, through experience and understanding that He gives me. And I do not believe that there isn't more to knowing Him than just what is written in the bible, because that is only a partial picture.
Again, if it's not a package deal, how do you know those parts (the ones containing Christ's words) of the NT are inspired or even true for that matter? How or why do you believe (as Nic asked) ANY of the bible is inspired or which is which.
Prove to me that any part of the bible is inspired scripture*. Then I can ask you questions, and you can do the explaining.
* Let's agree that 'inspired scripture' is defined as biblical text that has been revealed to the writer by God.
I would love to do that (but that's God's job) and if I were God, it would be simple. Another problem with that statement is 'inspired scripture' is as much revealed (by God) to the reader as it is to the writer. I also believe that only God can change minds and hearts.
I thought, you claimed to have made that determination, and you have no problem calling yourself an unbeliever. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not dissing you when I say that. I don't agree, but I respect your right to say that.
Prove to me that any part of the bible is inspired scripture*. Then I can ask you questions, and you can do the explaining.
* Let's agree that 'inspired scripture' is defined as biblical text that has been revealed to the writer by God.
I would love to do that (but that's God's job) and if I were God, it would be simple. Another problem with that statement is 'inspired scripture' is as much revealed (by God) to the reader as it is to the writer. I also believe that only God can change minds and hearts.
I thought, you claimed to have made that determination, and you have no problem calling yourself an unbeliever. Please don't misunderstand, I'm not dissing you when I say that. I don't agree, but I respect your right to say that.