Do you guys believe that Jesus is Jehovah (disregarding the names were not actually pronounced thus, for the moment, please)?
Does the Christian message fall apart without a literal interpretation of Genesis?
by nicolaou 175 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My goodness, Deputy!
In Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13, the Master was referring to the practice of making riches our God.
Remember, we all have but one Judge.
Tammy, I do believe that Jesus of Nazareth is Jehovah, the Creator and the One who led Israel out of slavery and established them in the Promised Land, the One who was born as a human and died as a human.
There are quite a few Scriptures that point to this being so, but Exodus 3:14 and John 8:58 clinch it for me.
Do you guys believe that Jesus is Jehovah (disregarding the names were not actually pronounced thus, for the moment, please)?
Technically, yes, not that they are the same person but that Jehovah in the Old Testament was revealed by Christ in the new.
Let me explain:
The scriptures state that no one has ever seen God and lived. Yet the Old Testament has instances where people actually saw God. Those don't harmonize unless you take into account what John 1:8 says.
NIV 2011: No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
NSAB: No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.
KJV: No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
NIV: No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father’s side, has made him known.
Deputy Dog
Do you guys believe that Jesus is Jehovah...
If you mean YHWH, Yayweh Absolutly!
So is the father and the Holy Spirit.
In Matthew 6:24 and Luke 16:13, the Master was referring to the practice of making riches our God.
In that context yes it was.
It can also be applied to any other Idol we dream up.
So is the father and the Holy Spirit.
Now that is where I beg to differ.
This is better than sitting through a Watchtower Study....
Nobody agrees on anything, ain't the HS a marvel
This is better than sitting through a Watchtower Study....
You got that right, Designs. No numbered paragraphs, no rote answers, no praising or worshipping the FDS.
Nobody agrees on anything, ain't the HS a marvel
Look again, for the first time, perhaps.
We Christians ALL agree that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah.
How about you?
And yes, the Holy Spirit is indeed a marvel.
Proceeding from two marvelous Beings, how could it be otherwise?
All respect intended, but...
All I got out of this thread is that TEC is sure that anything wonderful Jesus said, as recorded in the Gospels, is 100% true or at least close enough to accurate that it can be used by Christianity as if it's 100% true. So people can base their lives on the wonderful things Jesus must have said, or at least the words based on what Jesus must have said.
But at the same time, the Bible is not necessarily "scriptures" or "from God." Oh, you can rely on it if it said something wonderful about God or someone found a way to make it appear to lead to Christ. But if it paints God or Christ in anything but a wonderful light, then it may not be reliable.
Is that about right?
This is worse than ignoring the man behind the curtain. Ignore anything right out there in the open that doesn't agree with the God you have created in the image within your brain.
We're allowed to disagree and also to be at different places in understanding, Designs... I asked the question; I did not think I would get the same answer from everyone; I don't think anyone is less than another for their answer. I did not ask it to argue, but to try and understand. I am finished with arguing for some time, I think ;)
not that they are the same person but that Jehovah in the Old Testament was revealed by Christ in the new.
This I believe, yes.
Syl - you came to that understanding because of your search, right? Not because someone told you what to believe and so you believed them. That is the only thing I am asking for as well. If man has different ideas, then I must go to our Lord to have truth. Everyone here must agree with that, at least. I ask not to be judged for this, and I will also not judge from my end.
Syl - you came to that understanding because of your search, right?
Yes, my dear one.
I fought against it at first, but other compelling Scriptures are Isaiah 6 and John 12, Zechariah 12 and John 19.
Oh, the things I've learned!
Blessings, peace, and love to you on your search.