WARNING: Try Not to Throw Up In Your Mouth

by headisspinning 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • headisspinning

    Okay, so we finally decided that we are moving.

    This is the plan we are contemplating:

    Attend new congregation for one month (go to ALL the meeting with WT studied in brilliant colours etc.)

    Request reinstatement

    We expect that to be denied

    Continue for two more months

    Request reinstatement again

    IF we are accepted back, attend for one to two months and start the fade.

    If you have read my other postings you understand the issues with our children.

    Please let me know what you think of this plan.

    (And try not to throw up in your mouth).

  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I like this plan better.................

    Just stop going.

    I hope your not moving just to try a fade from a Crazy Cult....

    and I didn't almost throw up in my mouth.....

  • Spectre

    I was expecting one of those crazy experience letters when I opened this. You gotta do what you gotta do. Go for it.

  • headisspinning

    Hey Charlie Brown...

    I know that's the 'ideal' but if you read my past threads you will see the issues with our kids.

    Losing the DF label will go far in terms of our ability to help them



  • lovelylil

    I think only you know what the right thing is to do. In my case, my entire family came out together. But if your kids are still in, it is worth getting the reinstatment so you can have a relationship with them. Its always better to be inactive then DF'd in WT land if you still have family in. Good luck to you and yours, Lilly

  • headisspinning

    Thanks Lilly,

    You said exactly what we've been thinking... we feel that we have to kind of suck it up for the sake of the kids.

    After all, as their parents WE did this to them. We indoctrinated them. Especially for my husband... oh man.. he was so hardcore JW.

    He was probably one of the best examples of comforming your life to JW standards... try undoing that....

  • charlie brown jr.
  • headisspinning

    How do you mean Wow?

  • sizemik


    I have followed a number of your threads and have a reasonable idea of your situation.

    My first concern is that you may not get the re-instatement your looking for in that time-frame. As you probably know, the D/F BOE will be consulted and this may delay things for you considerably . . . you may have to wait a year, maybe longer. I don't wish to be discouraging, only to inquire if you are prepared for this.

    The other concern is the psychological well-being of BOTH of you. I recall my own experience when I became disillusioned . . . I travelled extensively giving talks (mainly to get away from my home congregation), but eventually suffered a breakdown . . . sounds a bit similar to your husbands experience. It has taken me seven years to recover to a "livable" degree. I guess my point is . . . to be realistic on what is required to achieve your goals . . . and be sure you have the support and strength to accomplish it.

    All the best for you both . . . your situation is awful . . . you have our support.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • Listener

    It was suggested occassionaly to me to return to the meetings in order to gain acceptance by half of my family who are JWs. Personally, I could not do it as this would mean lying and being deceitful, instead I just hoped the light would get brighter and their policy would change.

    It wasn't me shunning them but them shunning me and if this was their stance then I didn't want my children to be involved in any of this but rather be well away from it. I also knew that I would have been subject to intense preaching and guilt attacks and this would affect my whole family. The peace and acceptance in our little unit has been much more valuable.

    Please consider what you are doing and how this will affect your relationship with God if that is important to you.

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