Hello everyone

by jean-luc picard 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • fortis et liber
    fortis et liber

    Welcome JLP ! I understand your pain and frustration, I've been out 14 years and some days it just smarts, really bad. Speaking with a professional counselor can be very helpful and I too agree with jgnat, find one your comfortable with ! In the interim, take comfort in the fact that here, you are amongst friends who really and truly know that pain that you've endured and empathize. Welcome, welcome ! ~ f et l

  • cantleave


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    PRops on the name john luck pickard (yeah I'm geeking out.)

    Welcome aboard!

    Have some earl grey.

  • nancy drew
    nancy drew


  • Lozhasleft

    Hello and welcome to you. I dont think any one of us escapes unscathed. Hope this forum helps you as much as it has me.

    Loz x

  • snakeface

    Hi, and welcome!

  • sabastious

    Welcome! I really enjoyed your first post and look forward to reading more! You are very open about how you feel about this situation and that's a great thing.


  • flipper

    Jean-Luc Picard- Welcome to the board ! Nice to have you here. Many of us, myself included know exactly what you're going through and either HAVE experienced these things or are currently experiencing these things. You are among friends. Look forward to hearing more from you and getting o know you. Take care, Peace out, Mr. flipper

  • nolongerwaiting


    NLW's wife

  • ziddina

    Greetings, Jean-Luc!!

    How's Data?

    Just kidding!!

    But welcome to the board! There are many people here going thru situations similar to yours. Maybe their experiences will help you; at any rate and as others have stated, this is a good place to vent.

    Also - I run into the same thing with my current hubby, who was never a Witness and has had almost no experience with them - if they haven't been in it, they can't fully understand what you've gone through and are still going through...

    I wish you all the best; at least you're free even if your mum isn't. Treasure your freedom and rejoice in the fact that any children you may have now, WON'T be dragged into that cult!!

    Zid - the board's resident She-Devil

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