Capitalism or Communism
by d 92 Replies latest jw friends
Neither ! Want to know why ? People need to go back and reread their history books. This country is a Republic, we were founded on a Republic and the only way our country can exist is to stay a republic. For some reason the people got it in their heads that w are a Democracy and we are not a Democracy. Democracies fail and are open to corruption. Democracies make slaves out of the people to the Governments.
*cough, cough* not all americans here
Lemme see, up until the turn of the century (ie, shortly after 1900), in the US, corporations were only allowed to be owned by the government, and then the laws were changed to permit private ownership of corporations. By 1929, the US was in the throes of the Great Depression.
Instead of being government slaves, most folk have become corporate slaves .... time to reread the history books, indeed.
Things are not any better here, so I'm not US bashing --- since NAFTA, Canadians have been subjected to the same slow death of free enterprise,,,, corporations rule the land --- we no longer have politicians who administrate the business of running a country for the good of the people, we have corporate stooges who lick the boots of their masters, with one hand in the pocket of the 'taxpayer' and the other held out behind their backs to receive the filthy lucre that their betrayal of the Canadian people has earned them. Socialism (NOT COMMUNISM) is dying in Canada.
For example, the government legislates that we MUST have car insurance, and then leaves the insurance industry to make up its own rules ...... ahahahahahaha! .... pay into it for 35 years, then have a couple of minor claims .......... POLICY CANCELLED! Don't own a car for 5 years (though you've had a license and clean record for over 20 and previously owned a car and paid premiums for 15 years) ,,,, you are now considered a NEW DRIVER and subject to the same rates as an inexperienced 16YO.
There are many forms of government, and equally as many forms of corruption.
just sayin'