You know communism has not really been given a fair run at it. Russia had state capitalism, not communism, and China has authoritarian capitalism. Hey jgnat maybe Canada should be the first truly communist country! I mean the flag is already red. A lot of you guys are French too, so there's a head start. Plus it would put the frightners on the yanks to the south if you turned commie.
Capitalism or Communism
by d 92 Replies latest jw friends
Funny boy, slim. The communist party runs behind the green party here, and the greens don't even have a seat. The green leader is spitting peas for being bypassed (yet again) for the national debate. Whiner.
communism, no
how about "compassionate" conservatism mixed with a healthy dose of socialist leanings,
a healthy, competitive marketplace, in a culture that takes care of its parents/children (eg, daycare and maternity), its artists, its sick (universal health care NOT based on profits and FLUCK the drug companies & insurance agencies) , its indigent (YES, unfortunately some folk just have a hard time dealing with life, for whatever reason),
It's doable,,, but under this model the corporation would be BUSTED
kinda close to what S earlier called 'european capitalism'
just my 2 - interesting discusion
Yan Bibiyan
dgp asked:
Yan Bibyan, may I ask where you were at the time?
As close to the hornet's nest, without being in the nest - Bulgaria. USSR's most loyal ally, to the point where the 1300 year sovereign existence of this small country was about to be wiped out as it was groomed to become USSR's 16th republic in the 50s and 60s....
Let's give the floor to Milton Friedman, in "Free to Choose", page 143 in my copy:
Egalitarians in the United States may object that the fewness of communes and their fragility reflect the opprobrium that a predominantly "capitalist" society visits on such communes and the resulting discrimination to which they are subjected. That may be true for the United States but as Robert Nozick has pointed out, there is one country where this is not true, where, to the contrary, egalitarian communes are highly regarded and prized. That country is Israel. The kibbutz played a major role in early Jewish settlement in Palestine and continues to play an important role in the state of Israel. A disproportionate fraction of the leaders of the Israeli state were drawn from the kibbutzim. Far from being a force of disapproval, membership in a kibbutz confers social status and commands approbation. Everyone is free to join or leave a kibbutz, and kibbutzim have been viable social organizations. yet at no time, and certainly not today, have more than about 5 percent of the Jewish population of Israel chosen to be members of a kibbutz. That percentage can be regarded as an upper estimate of the fraction of people who would voluntarily choose a system enforcing equality of outcome in preference to a system characterized by inequality, diversity, and opportunity".
Now, since I have no answer to my question about Canada or North Korea, I will ask a second question. Sweden, or North Korea?
Yan Bibiyan, you have a PM.
Let's give the floor to Milton Friedman, in "Free to Choose", page 143 in my copy:
And the fact that most people that want to produce something and enjoy the fruit of it dont want to live in enforced communes. Capitlism is the only system that accords with human nature.
That is true.I say abolish both syestems. I mean do we really need a syestem of currency?We have survived in the past without money.
Capitlism is the only system that accords with human nature.
Accords a little too well. Human nature includes greed and manipulation and inhumanity. Human nature run rampant has turned capitalism into a Ponzi scheme. We're experiencing the losing end of the scheme - those at the top of the pyramid don't give a $hit about those at the bottom.
Government has historically been the restraining force that keeps capitalism in check while also facilitating its growth and success. That is what works: the partnership of government and business - government to keep business fair and business to keep the country solvent. When business gets too big for its britches and tries to eliminate the government's role - we all lose.
The Ponzi scheme is government state crony capitalism. The government doesnt keep capitalism in check, in exploits it. Business gets too big for its britches when government moves in.