If this does happen and the FDS are legally implicated by Victoria I think what we'll see is a new prophecy developing. Some scripture in Revelation with another modern day fulfillment thing going on. What could it be?
Watch Tower Society Facing Criminal Charges and Indictment in Australia
by AndersonsInfo 147 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I agree with James Woods. I think that Steven's efforts are laudable but they will be overshadowed by the religious rhetoric. The branch and headquarters probably have already come up with what they think is a winning defense. If nothing else they will throw the publishers under the bus and say "we did not direct them not to get the cards" ,"each one is responsible for his or her own qualifications as ministers."
Still, every bit of light that is publicly shed on this corrupt organization is a good thing.
Everyone here, myself included, wondered why Mr. Upthank wrote the Bible referenced paragaph onteh website as we thought it detered from his argument. I relooked at the webpage, and Mr. Unthank appears to have removed the paragraph and cleaned up the webpage.
In reading his submission, it is largely secular. As I suspected, Austrailian law is different and more "religious" then our US law. US law was based on a separation of Church and State, and was the result of the rejection of the King and his religious state. Austrailia does not have the same heritage. Mr. Upthank's Question and Answer provides some answers
Question: Why was the Brief of Evidence document ("The Submission 2011") presented to God in prayer?
Answer: Steven Unthank replies: I have been asked this quite a lot, some from those who are genuine in trying to understand, but mostly by skeptics.
By presenting the Brief of Evidence document to God in prayer it secures, to a degree, the document under "ecclesiastical privilege" as it is first presented to God.
Also, it was felt to be the right thing to do as God's personal name, Jehovah, was mentioned in the documents.
Most importantly however, Jehovah God was personally asked to assist in this matter and to grant permission to act on His behalf and as His representative.
Such action is not at all unusual nor unique.
Australia is predominantly a Christian nation and our laws reflect this. Every single law, ever passed, by the Australian Commonwealth since 19 August 1903 has been first presented to God by means of a submission in prayer.
Australian Parliament is also opened in a submission to God through prayer.
The current Parliament of Australia Standing Order 50 - Prayer requires the following to be read out whenever Parliament sits:
"Almighty God, we humbly beseech Thee to vouchsafe Thy special blessing upon this Parliament, and Thou wouldst be pleased to direct and prosper the work of Thy servants to the advancement of Thy glory, and to the true welfare of the people of Australia.
"Our Father, which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen."
For further current and historical information on this subject click on the following link:
With the above information and background history in mind, that is why page 328 of "the Submission 2011" says:
"To Jehovah God through Jesus Christ,
"It is hereby requested that YOU grant the Applicant [Steven John Unthank] leave to present an Information Against person or persons as so named or identified on page 2 of this application ("the Submission") for breaches of the Working with Children Act 2005 against YOUR children and the Children of God; and
"to commence the prosecution, on YOUR behalf, of such person or persons for said breaches; and
"that YOU take into consideration the actions taken to defend your Name and your King and your Kingdom as discussed on page 11 of this "Submission" [reprinted in its entirety in the FOREWORD at the top of this website page]; and
"that YOU take into consideration the information outlined in
the attached "Appendix", "Dissertations" and "Pronouncement"; and
"it is also respectfully requested that YOU grant the Applicant [Steven John Unthank] authority so as to lawfully intervene and take appropriate action consistent with the Holy Scriptures and consistent within the existing legal framework within the State of Victoria, and any other jurisdiction, so as to prevent acts involving further breaches of the Working with Children Act 2005 by person or persons as so named or identified on page 2 of this application and any risk posed by such person or persons as so named and of which acts have resulted in such acts becoming widespread in the community; and
"that YOU put it into the hearts of all people of goodwill to assist; and
"it is also respectfully requested that YOU grant Justice in relation to matters and allegations raised by the Unthank Family in this Submission; and
"any other matter YOU deem necessary in relation to this application.
Steven Unthank. -
Mr. Upthank has also present his answer on why he can personally bring these charges against the Watch Tower, how the idea came to him, and the legal authority given to him via the law.
Question: What gave you the idea and the confidence that you could bring private charges, including an Indictment, against the Watch Tower Society and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and "the faithful and discreet slav e"?
Answer: Steven Unthank replies: The idea itself came directly from the Watch Tower Society and their lawyers. How?
I discovered, quite by accident one day, that this could be done whilst reading all the Watch Tower Society Press Releases on the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Republic of Georgia.
I noticed when reading though the Press Releases and published court documents that the Watch Tower Society took action against not only the State but also the religious hierarchy of the Orthodox Church.
Watch Tower Society lawyers filed numerous lawsuits against governmental officials and religious leaders and even prosecuted many of the cases before various courts, including the European Court.
Their intention in filing charges and in privately prosecuting may of these cases was, in principle, to have the defendants found guilty and jailed.
To me it appeared that if such a course of action was approved by "the faithful and discreet slave" and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watch Tower Society -as well as their lawyers- say, to protect the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses, then it would also be appropriate for myself to take the same identical action to protect the children within the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Much of the information, and the layout, of my Brief of Evidence ("The Submission 2011") was adapted from documents that the Watch Tower Society lodged in these court cases, and then published on the internet -- in the same identical manner that this website is published.
Simply put, I just followed their legal example.
In this I am forever indebted to J. R. Brown and Mario F. Moreno for teaching me and showing me the legal way, step-by-step, word-by-word, document-by-document, on how to bring criminal charges against, and then to prosecute a religious hierarchy.
I am also garetful to Australian Watch Tower Society lawyer, Vincent J. Toole, for instructing me to:
"put everything in writing, item-by-item, point-by-point" and to "include all your evidence".
See the link below for the media Press Releases issued by the Watch Tower Society re: prosecuction cases in the Republic of Georgia:
http://www.jw-media.org/geo/index.htmQ uestion: Is this an "official" Indictment or a "request" for an Indictment ?
Answer: Steven Unthank replies: Under Victorian (Australia) law individuals can file Criminal Charges (and the subsequent Indictment) against corporations.
This course of action has been taken to circumvent Victoria Police as Chief Commissioner Simon Overland has repeatedly refused to police and enforce the Working with Children Act 2005.
Following the filing of Charges the case can be legally taken over by the Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions--similar to a US District Attorney.
The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) has the power given to him by operation of Section 22(b)(ii) of the Victorian Public Prosecutions Act 1994 to "...take over and conduct any proceedings in respect of any summary or indictable offence..." where he considers it desirable to do so.
Note: Victorian (Australia) law prohibits Victoria Police of the State Government (including politicians) from "interfering" with the lodging of documents in relation to this case.
Victoria Police are currently trying to re-take the case over...but to no avail! It appears that this action may be more to do with protecting themselves than child protection.
On the personal written advice of the Victorian Director of Public Prosecutions (Jeremy Rapke QC) a formal complaint was lodged with the Office of Police Integrity (OPI) alleging that the inactions of Chief Commissioner Simon Overland in policing and enforcing the Working with Children Act 2005 and that his actions are a violation of the "human rights of all 2,500 children associated with the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses in the State of Victoria."
The Watch Tower Society and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and "the faithful and discreet slave" was made aware of this in writing (allegations of human rights abuses against the children). They refused to represent the children within the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Therefore a complaint was lodged by Steven Unthank on behalf of the children, their parents, Jehovah God and Jesus Christ to protect these children.
Both the Office of Police Integrity and the Police Ethical Standards Department investigated the allegations of "human rights violations" by the Chief Commissioner of Police. They were unable to establish that Chief Commissioner Simon Overland was innocent of the allegations. The matter is currently under investigation by the new State Government of Victoria.
Office of Police Integrity:
Chief Commissioner of Police:
An entire copy of the OPI Complaint is included in the Brief of Evidence document "The Submission 2011" including all serious allegations made against Simon Overland, Chief Commissioner of Police, in relation to his refusal to police and enforce the Working with Children Act 2005.
Steven Unthank. -
This is crazy!
There is some outlandish claims in there. I don't see how they could take on the GB in Brookyln and their armies of lawyers.
Looks like Mr. Upthank's requests are gaining momentum too since there is a new government officials coming into office.
Question: Is the current State Government of Victoria doing anything to protect the children within the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses or to enforce the Working with Children Act 2005?
Answer: Steven Unthank replies: It is my understanding that a proposal for obtaining a Supreme Court Injunction to protect the children within the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses is currently being looked into by:
The Honourable Ted Baillieu - Premier of Victoria
The Honourable Peter Ryan - Minister for Police, Deputy Premier
The Honourable Robert Clark - Attorney-General
The Honourable Mary Wooldridge - Minister for Community Services
The Honourable Andrew McIntosh - Minister for Crime Prevention
The State Government of Victoria did receive a written request for this. The request said in part...
"To the State Government of Victoria and the Supreme Court of Victoria,
"It is respectfully requested that a COURT ORDERED INJUNCTION be applied for and granted against"the faithful and discreet slave"; and Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Australia; and Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc.; and the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses; and their officers, directors, lawyers, agents, servants, employees, teachers, instructors, evangelists, missionaries, ministers, child care volunteers, elders, chaplains, ministerial servants and affiliated and related companies or entities, preventing them from having direct contact with children as defined by Section 3 (1) of the Working with Children Act 2005 which defines direct contact as "any contact between a person and a child that involves--(a) physical contact; or (b) face to face oral communication; or (c) physically being within eyeshot" of any child or children under 18 years of age associating with the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses in the State of Victoria as they engage in worship of Jehovah God, as He personally invited them to do so in the pages of the Holy Bible, until such a time that "the faithful and discreet slave", et al. meet the minimum mandatory child protection laws within the State of Victoria as legislated in the Victorian Working with Children Act 2005 for "religious organisations"."
It is my understanding that the above wording is compatible with the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (the Charter). The inclusion of the phrase...
"...as they engage in worship of Jehovah God..."
...satisfies Section 14. Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief of the Charterand was specifically included to address this need.
I recently received a letter from The Honourable Andrew Katos, MP, Parliament of Victoria, date d, 2 March 2011, which helps shed insight on the previous State Government of Victoria and their inactions ("errors and oversights") in relation to child protection and the protecting of the children within the Religion of Jehovah's Witnesses in the State of Victoria by enforcing the Working with Children Act 2005. This letter said in part:
"I also believe full compliance with the Working with Children Act 2005 should be enforced upon all persons, groups and organisations...I shall keep you posted on developments relating to this issue as we, the current government, seek to remedy errors and oversights by the previous government."
Andrew Katos MP:
Steven Unthank. -
As far as taking on the WTS, if the Australia government and the organization below have taken on the Catholic Church, they should know what kind of pressure they are up against and how to handle it.
Are you two saying I'm crazy, kramer and slimboyfat, because of the way I introduced this subject? That's terribly unkind and I'm so surprised at such nastiness especially coming from slimboyfat whose many posts I have come to respect. I post in my own name, not like you two who hide who you are, so I have to be careful of what I say on this board so not to bring the wrath of some posters down upon my head calling my motives into question when all I am is a disfellowshipped JW who has chosen to take on in my own way the lying actions of the Watch Tower.
When I started this thread reporting on what Steven Unthank was doing in Australia, I specifically posted as AndersonsInfo and not Barbara because I was passing along information, not wanting to get into the frey or argument of whether this man's submission had merit or not and so I took the position of being neutral like a reporter. I had the "silly" notion that the way I opened the "thread" was important to my credibility, but I see that some did not understand the situation and considered me crazy. Believe it or not, I sought advice about how to present this subject because the legitimacy of this cause was not available to me. The way Mr. Unthank presented his case using all the religious statements did sound very strange to me, yet Watch Tower was clearly breaking the law so this situation needed to be reported upon.
I love this discussion board but have chosen not to post on it often except to pass along information because I simply don't have time to do otherwise. That's why I chose AndersonsInfo as my avatar. That's all I'm going to say on this subject and hope that the discussion of the Unthank Submission is put back where it belongs in the forefront. I suggest that for now, killing the messenger be put on the back-burner.
Eric Idle and company knew how it is
Thanks for the info.