Isn't It Time For Darwinists To Face The Music Of Science?
by Perry 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I can see how people that don't understand evolution might find this compelling but that's only because they don't understand evolution.
Additionally, these particular examples of "irreducible complexity" are easily explained, and have been so, with EVIDENCE.
Many people, probably most, who create this stuff, know the counter arguments but conveniently omit those from their productions, presumably to exploit people's lack of knowledge on the subject.
Same old, same old.
Darwinist? So if you accept the theory of gravity does that make you a Newtonist?
Terra Incognita
Perry, the claim in the introductory captions, that scientists are shifting their opinions of evolution sounds like braggadocio. The reason is that there is no such paradigm shift amongst evolutionary scientists or the majority of other scientists. Even if the scientist were to be a creationist, he would not be "shifting" his opinion on anything since he was already committed to Creationism.
The biochemist you are quoting, Michael J Behe, is a known Intelligent Design proponent. I haven't seen anything in the video that indicates a stampede or at least a minor exodus of scientists "shifting" their opinions from evolution to Creationism.
The only thing the video talks about is the issue of "Irreducible Complexity" which is an old argument dressed up in a new phrase. In fact it parallels the change from Creationism to "Intelligent Design". This argument is basically the old "How can a watch have made itself?".
Like Goddidit brought out, the claims "Irreducible complexity" have been, contrary to what Creationists claim, answered by scientists. And to quote Goddidit:
"I can see how people that don't understand evolution might find this compelling but that's only because they don't understand evolution."
So I ask you Perry, have you ever read a book on evolution by those who believe in it? More so, have you ever read a book that responds to Creationists/Intelligent Designers on the arguments that they pose?
So other words Perry, you are making the statement with this video that the earth as it is formed today
is only a few thousand years old, as descriptively told in the bible, the words of knowledge of ancient people.
How come Biological evolution of species is apparent in living species today....ummmm ?
There is also the earth's own geographical evolution that would also suggest a supporting part of biological evolution in unison.
Like singer Tom Petty said -
"you can believe what you sant to belive -"
"but --- it don't really matter to me"
Terra Incognita
"So other words Perry, you are making the statement with this video that the earth as it is formed today
is only a few thousand years old, . . ."
" There is also the earth's own geographical evolution that would also suggest a supporting part of biological evolution in unison."
Thetrueone; while I don't know Perry's stand on this issue, there are other Creationists who are not "Young Earther's". That is what those Creationists who believe in a recent creation for the earth and universe call themselves. So I believe it would be wise to query Perry on that specific point before we assume that he is a "Young Earther".
True, not all creationists believe in the young earth. Most though, if not all, do not believe in the evolution of man. That is because the bible says we are "made in God's image", Peace, Lilly
Perry, let's say I have woken up to the music of science. I believe in a creator now. Now since you used science to change my mind maybe you can do the same for my next dilemma. With the proof of science please show me that this creator interacts with its creation. Or better yet that he cares or even its aware of our existance. Thanks.
AK - Jeff
I'm convinced now - Alter Call tonight!!!!!!!!
Perry saved another lost soul.......