Isn't It Time For Darwinists To Face The Music Of Science?

by Perry 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Terry

    Terry, I wonder how people who vehemently questioned the discovery of the planet's actual shape validated their position? I'm not speaking of the ones that clung to the Bible, but the ones that might have offered peer review and counter arguments.


    We are too context driven and story oriented and prone toward recursive cause and effect as laypersons to adequately frame the questions which

    Creation Science poses vis a vis evolution to reach an objective conclusion. At least, not one that "feels" good.

    This emotional resonance is a huge barrier to neutral investigation.

    Persons who rejected an Earth-as-Sphere argument did so reasonably. What would keep the people on the bottom from falling out into space? far as it goes........:)

  • Perry

    Isn't anyone going to attempt to explain irreducible complexity? One "simple" single-cell has multi-billions of parts. How'd they all get there at the same time? I've gone toe to toe with numerous folks here over the years on different subjects. It is only fair to ask opponents on this issue to defend their stand. I'm all ears.

    Any takers?

    On a slightly different note, this website has hundreds of out of place artifacts :

    If most any one of them is true then the entire Darwinian Naturalistic world-view paradigm falls.

  • poopsiecakes

    Perry ignored me...AGAIN.

  • Perry

    And then there are those pesky dinosaur bones that people are now cracking open and checking out the gunk inside. Soft tissue, blood vessels, collegen. And when that carbon material is carbon dated, what do you think is found? Bada Bing!!

    This makes irreducible complexity look like baby stuff as far as arguments go.

    How do atheists keep their sanity in the face of such facts? Honestly, how is that done?

  • NomadSoul


    Perry, I can't argue with you. I'm going to put this as nicely as I can. YOU'RE A DUMB ASS. Please go to a community college and at least get a minor in science before you even try to argue something like this. Please go learn how carbon dating, how do do research, and learn what a peer review science journal .

    I'm done, that's all I wanted to say.

  • thetrueone

    How do atheists keep their sanity in the face of such facts? Honestly, how is that done?

    Another question to be asked is how do Creationists/Spiritualists keep their sanity when there is no evidence of what they believe or hold to.

    Objectivity is tied into intellectual honesty.

    Perry, your not pulling information from biased religious groups are you ?

  • Buster


    Isn't anyone going to attempt to explain irreducible complexity?

    Okay, a few months ago I saw a documentary on this exact topic: the bacterias' outboard motor and it's irreducible complexity. You see, Perry, you fall for the intellectual weakness common to the religionists. You grab ahold of anything that sounds plausible and accept it for fact, though no counter arguments are accepted.

    In this particular case, ID apologists fall flat. The structure is not irreducible. There are other organisms that use an almost identical structure. But in those other organisms the structure is missing the part(s) that enables rotation. I'll admit that I don't remember exactly what the simpler (reduced) structure is used for. The sciientist that presented this fact was convincing and had strong supporting exhibits.

    - Cliff (of the "long time since my last post" class)

  • thetrueone

    This is the type of information Perry pulls off from such as he linked to in his post.

    If your interested in a good laugh take a look at the site yourself.

    THE DELUGE:The global flood catastrophe is one of the key facts of all history. Not only is there a mass of geological evidence,it has left an indelible impression on the memory of the entire human race. An analysis of some 600 individual flood traditions reveals a widespread concurrence on essential points: the prior corruption of mankind, a flood warning unheeded by the masses, a survival vessel, the preservation of up to eight people with representative animal life, the sending forth of a bird to determine the suitability of reemerging land, significance in the rainbow, descent from a mountain, and the re-population of the whole earth from a single group of survivors.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    Isn't anyone going to attempt to explain irreducible complexity? One "simple" single-cell has multi-billions of parts. How'd they all get there at the same time? I've gone toe to toe with numerous folks here over the years on different subjects. It is only fair to ask opponents on this issue to defend their stand. I'm all ears. Any takers?

    I'm no scientist but your Google should work just as well as mine, Perry.

    Also, I did read The God Delusion, in which Dawkins discusses the bacterial flagellum....

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Helluva scholarly article you link to for the "dino blood analysis", Perry.

    Look, I know you take pride in the fact that you run a multimillion dollar business having only completed the 8th grade (and I certainly couldn't hold a candle to your suckcess) but maybe now's a good time to review some high school science.

    How do atheists keep their sanity in the face of such facts? Honestly, how is that done?

    Well, we think back to a time when we, too, were deluded by religion and it helps us to fake a sense of empathy.

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