feature them, examine their Web sites, or add comments to their blogs. (para 7, pg 16)
# 1 most prolific offenders Steve Klemetti and 3rd witness with their sockpuppet incarnations
July 15th WT out - Coming out Swinging at Apostates Hard
by LostGeneration 138 Replies latest watchtower bible
For those of you who are interested there is a thread on the 'Jehovah's Witnesses Topix website about this.
It will be interesting to see if the JWs there pay the society any attention about not commenting on 'false teachers' blogs.
I hope they stay, it's so much fun exposing the society to them.
jonathan dough
examine their Web sites, or add comments to their blogs. (para 7, pg 16)
" ...in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, h always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and i respect,..." 1 Peter 3:15
Again, they get it all wrong.
I can't belive they are picking on Rick . . .
The Watchtower Society has used a particular technique that is quite effective for many, many years.
They have succeeded admirably with it. What they do NOT want is having it used on them.
Keeping the brothers and sisters away from Apostate blogs and sites will prevent this.
Here is how it works:
"God's Rest-Have You Entered Into It?"
WHEN ARE THESE PPL GONNA WAKE UP???!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally got it together in UNDERSTANDING, life is just a vicious cycle of world events. When/will it ever end? My Dad passed away last summer and it was a REAL shocker! This beautiful, vivacious, Best Dad In The World (only 66 y.o.) was taken away from us! It rocked our family, the people at the hall, his retired work buddies. If death could happen to him, it can happen to ANY of us! The burning question to me was, WILL I REALLY EVER SEE MY DAD AGAIN..THE WAY THE JWS BELIEVES IT TO BE?
I don't think so.
We have entered into the 'Lord's Rest' according to JWS, right? I thought we weren't. Is this supposed to 'speed' the process of Armageddon?????
Wow, our best argument when JWs comment on blogs and media, that we will report them dutifully to their WTS headquarters to be reprimanded for going against WTS rules, regulations and commands against going and commenting on such sites. Woo hoo!!
It used to be that the WTS spoke out extensively about their enemy like the Catholic Church, the scarlet wild beast and all others. Now their #1 enemy, they indirectly or somewhat created (but not to their credit), former JWs.
The article "Will You Pay Attention to Jehovah's Clear Warnings?" is one of the harder hitting articles I've seen from the WTS.
Notice paragraph 4 and 5:
What do they (false teachers/apostates) want? Paul said that when they leave Jehovah's organization, they want "to draw away the disciples after themselves." (italics theirs) The disciples Paul is talking about are the disciples of Jesus Christ. These false teachers do not go outside the congregation to make disciples. They try to take, or steal, disciples from inside the congregation. Jesus said that apostates are like wolves that eat the sheep. Apostates want to destroy the faith of the members of the congregation and want them to leave the truth.
How do false teachers fool people? They do this in a very clever way. Apostates "quietly" bring in their ideas into the congregation, like criminals who secretly bring things into a country. Apostates use "counterfeit words." This means that they say things that make their false ideas sound true, like criminals who make false documents look real. They try to get as many people as possible to believe their "deceptive teachings." Peter also said that they like twisting the Scriptures. They explain Bible verses in the wrong way to make others believe their ideas. Apostates do not care about us. If we follow them, we will leave the road to everlasting life.
Check out this sentance from paragraph 6:
The Bible says that apostates are mentally diseased and that they use their teachings to make others think like them.
I think it's becoming prettly clear that the WTS is definitely feeling the effect of those leaving and fading. Used to be apostates were outsiders outspoke about the evils of the WTS, but now their speaking of them as infiltrating the ranks of the congregation. This type article will only create further paranoia in the congregation. No one will trust anyone who doesn't act and speak like all the other zombies. While this is the last refuge of a scoundrel, fear and more fear, this will actually only serve to push more out the door as more and more see through this weak ploy to control the flock. To paraphrase a galactic princess from a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away; the more you tighten your grip, WTS, the more people will slip through your fingers.
JW GoneBad
Gayle wrote: 'Now their #1 enemy, they indirectly or somewhat created (but not to their credit), former JWs.'
Soo true, and I'm one of them!
And this is exactly what led to my leaving the religion, albeit indirectly. I noticed the level of rancor directed at 'apostates', and even to me as a JW it smacked of fear. There was a lot of talk about how evil and subtle apostates are, but not a lot of actual discussion of what exactly it was they were telling people that was so poisonous and dangerous.
I'm actually pretty sure, having given a talk about apostates in my JW life, that those couple of paragraphs about apostates are a cut-and-paste from a past Watchtower article or two. I actually used some of those phrases in my talk, but even then the question lingered in the back of my mind, even before serious doubts set in, "What are they teaching? WHAT, specifically, makes them wrong or evil or sly thieves?" Cut-and-paste paragraphs tell me that in reality, the only real effort going into preparing this 'spiritual food' is in recycling the old and presenting it as new.
Well, I'm eager to spend a little time deconstructing this stuff. It's important for me to do so. Even now. But this is what I don't get, they say that apostates want to draw Christ's disciples after themselves. Yet the Society wants, and demands, that people follow THEM, or else they insist that you're not following CHRIST. They literally insert the organization into John 6:66-69 which is talking about Jesus. So who, then, is trying to draw people after themselves? Why not just say, 'okay, some folks disagree with how we worship, but they're just as sincere in wanting to follow Christ as we are, let's respect their feelings and let them go their own way'? No, instead, they label people as thieves, liars, smugglers of counterfeit teachings, twisters of the scriptures, and so on.
Fine by me. But your own words condemn you.