July 15th WT out - Coming out Swinging at Apostates Hard

by LostGeneration 138 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • WontLeave

    With the dumbing down of the literature (this time overtly), the hard-line attitude against education, the Internet, "apostates", and independent study, it appears the Society understands the changing demographic of their target audience. The truth has never been popular, throughout the Bible. The way to get followers is extremism and catering to the less-intelligent.

    Their arguments lately: We can trust the fds, we must obey the fds to make Jehovah happy, the Bible is for the fds and they will tell us what to believe it says. These are obviously aimed at people who are not qualified to tie their own shoes. This fits the current generation of incoming JWs to a tee. The Governing Body knows full well these people are not going to read the Bible (assuming they even have the ability), so can tell them anything they want without risk of being called on it.

    The current power grab is extremely divisive, drawing a clear line in the sand that requires a choice between accepting Christ or men as our leader. I can't figure out how these insane things in the WT for the last few years are not offending the vast majority of JWs, but they're obviously not.

    I'm torn among three possibilities. It's possible the GB has systematically filtered out enough who have any respect for God, Jesus, or the Bible to know they can write whatever they want. On another hand, perhaps there are conscious objectors in the Writing Committee who are pushing the envelope to outrageous extremes to alert the publishers to how arrogant and self-idolizing the GB has become, since they allow this kind of stuff to go into print without seeing anything wrong with it. Or, it might be that Holy Spirit is exercising some influence over the literature and hardening the hearts and minds at Bethel to allow these warnings to go out.

    For the last couple of years, the human worship in the Watchtower has been the handwriting on the wall to me. In one breath, they'll say how we have no leader but Christ and in the next, how we have to follow the Governing Body. In one article, they'll deny any clergy/laity distinction, then in another how the Bible was written to them and we need them to explain it to us. Now, they print one article about not following the crowd, then immediately follow it with one about being lock-step with "the organization". I'm wondering: If you're a JW, who is your "crowd", if not "the organization"?

    Is Jesus warning us: "These guys have totally lost it (their minds, their standing, their faith...) and you'd better keep an eye on what they're writing, because it's insane"? If you haven't taken the time to read the Bible and see for yourself whether the Society is accurately representing what it says, you need to; immediately, if not sooner. Strange things are happening in the "holy place" of Bethel and a "disgusting thing" has lifted "himself up over everyone who is called 'god'...publicly showing himself to be a god."

  • strymeckirules

    You can fool ALL the people SOME of the time

    and SOME of the people ALL the time.

    But you cannot fool ALL the people ALL the time.

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    This reminds me of a watchmen quote - Who is watching the watchmen?

  • Listener

    It's as if they have come out with the idea that they are fighting a war against the apostates. Instead of providing the R&F with spiritual weapons to defend themselves they say shut your eyes and block your ears.

  • LV101

    are apostates really infiltrating --- how interesting is that and maybe they are in groups - YEAH!!! WOW -- payback sucks for the evil watchtower. that would be so FUN to be part of a group of them.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Where is DJeggnogg?

  • LV101

    WONTLEAVE -- yeah, but your statement "The truth has never been popular, throughout the Bible" was a beautiful thing compared to evil watchtower's bible truth and allowing raping of children and blood deaths and like the middle east despots control of education - women, anyway, watchtower allows no education for either sex. those old vipers in nyc or whatever 5 star hotel they hide in sure want educated doctors, lawyers, bla bla, back there to benefit themselves. too bad they don't have psychiatrists to give them lobotomies.

  • Kensho

    I have visited this site for many months and read some really thought provoking post and plenty of well documented shenanigans of the org., but I have yet to see anyone attempting to recruit any "disciples after themselves" or even suggest attending another organized religion! In fact I am here for myself and not interested in trying to change anyone's belief system especially the seemingly contented bro. at the hall, it's their choice. I have been doing that for almost 40 yrs. as a witness, been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

    What most people affiliated with the WT org past or present come here for( like myself) is to discuss topics like this, that in no way could ever be mentioned in the org. or local congregation. The thing is is your faith is so strong what is the big deal, sorry that opens another can-o-worms.

    This is why articles like this are regular "spiritual food" to promote the absence of such discussions within the org. by inflicting huge guilt trips and major fear factors for the R&F.

    it is unfortunate that there are some who post that have really hateful and strange agendas as well as incoherent thought patterns that would spook any honest hearted JW that would dare to venture out of the WT enclave and quickly retreat to the safety zone. But that is what open and honest discussions are all about and in an OPEN forum you have to take the good with the bad-you be the judge of what to take in or not, you don't leave it up to someone at HQ to do that for you.

    Life is not all neat and tidy as in the "spiritual paradise" wrightttttttt ?

    Kensho Satori

  • jam

    I have noitce in last few years, JW become very upset when

    you talk against the GB, they will never say, you are speaking

    against God, instead you are speaking against our leaders (GB).

    They are definitely replaceing God..

  • factfinder



    Worship !

    the Faithful Slave and its Governing Body!!!!!!

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